Parent Volunteer Form
The Durham Children’s Choir is in the process of redefining and strengthening our Parent
Association. While there is an expectation that all parents/guardians will donate their time and
talent to the choir at some point throughout the year, we are looking for some strong volunteers
who are willing to commit themselves to being active leaders for the group. Our plan is to have
multiple committees, each focusing on a specific function. Each committee will have a chair (or co‐
chairs), and collectively, these individuals will make up the core of our Parent Association, meeting
as a group approximately four times each year for planning purposes. While our current, specific
needs are outlined below, we are sure that others will arise throughout the year!
Chorister’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________
*Parent/guardian name(s): ____________________________________________________________
Home Phone: (______) _______________________ Cell Phone: (______) _______________________
E‐mail address(es): __________________________________________________________________
*If your singer has two sets of parents, please make sure that a copy of this form is completed by each set.
I am willing to serve on the following committee(s): (Please check all that apply)
___ Uniforms: This committee is responsible for organizing the used uniform sale. Additionally,
they will help with taking measurements for and the distribution of polo shirts for
new members.
___ Hospitality/Social: This committee is responsible for coordinating meals/refreshments when
needed for DCC events (e.g., snacks or a meal during the retreats, end of year
potluck). Depending on the scope of the event, they will solicit parent/guardian
volunteers to assist with food donations, set‐up, serving and clean‐up.
Additionally, this committee will be responsible for organizing some social events
for the choristers and/or DCC families a few times throughout the year.
___ Rehearsal Assistance: The primary responsibility of this committee is to coordinate
volunteers to ensure that there is a parent/guardian presence at each rehearsal.
These volunteers will be responsible for helping to set up the rehearsal room,
escort children to the restrooms during rehearsal, and to be available to take care
of other needs of the children so that the staff can continue with the rehearsal
uninterrupted. From time to time, the choir director may request this committee
to provide assistance with other various tasks during rehearsal time.