University of North Florida Parents Association
Parent Volunteer Form
As a parent volunteer, I would like to participate in the following (check all that apply):
Volunteer to assist with on-campus Open Houses
Volunteer to assist with Regional Recruitment Activities
Participate in Parent Orientation
Host a summer send-off reception for students who plan to attend UNF and their families.
Serve as a parent volunteer during:
_____ Family Weekend (Oct. 14 -16, 2016)
_____ Housing Move-In
_____ Week of Welcome (First week of fall classes)
Assist prospective parents and students through the Parent Network
Other ___________________________________________________
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) First and Last Name: ___________________________________________________________
Street Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________________ State: __________ Zip: ________________________
Phone Number: __________________________ E-mail Address: __________________________________________
Student(s) First and Last Name: ____________________________________ N-number: _______________________
Student’s Major/Intended Major: _____________________________________________________________________
Student’s Expected Graduation Year: ___________
Please complete this form and fax or mail to the following:
University of North Florida Office of Parent and Family Programs
1 UNF Drive | Building 9/1110
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Office: 904.620.1567 | Fax: 904.620.5427