Tri-County YMCA Behavior Management Policy
The YMCA teaches the core values of caring, honesty, respect, faith, and responsibility. It is our goal to provide a
healthy, safe, and secure environment for all children and staff. Children who attend YMCA programs are expected to
follow the behavior guidelines and to interact appropriately with other children and the staff. Due to the large format
of our program, the YMCA is unable to provide one-on-one care for child except for an intermittent basis, such as
injuries, immediate disciplinary issues and certain personal care needs customarily provided to other children.
Behavior Management Techniques-YMCA Staff will:
Involve the children in the development of the “afterschool rues.”
Maintain consistent behavior expectations and reinforce the YMCA’s Five Core Values.
Guild children by setting clear, consistent, fair limits for program behavior.
Redirect children to a more acceptable behavior or activity.
Make eye contact and listen when children talk about their feelings and frustrations.
Guide children to resolve their own conflicts.
Use effective praise that is immediate, sincere, and specific.
Modify and structure the environment to attempt to prevent problems before they occur.
Discipline Action Steps-YMCA staff will utilize the following Behavior Management Guidelines:
Personal Time - Removal of the child from a situation to he/she can regain control of his/her behavior
Parent Communication – Parents will be informed oat the end of the day about their child’s behavior.
Behavior Report – A child’s behavior may result in the child being given a behavior report. Three behavior
reports during the school year will result in a one-day suspension of the child. If the child receives a fourth
behavior report after returning to the program, a staff member will suspend the child immediately and a
meeting will be set up with the parents and child to discuss behavior management options and the future
participation in the afterschool program.
Suspension – Serious behavior problems will result in immediate suspension and the parent will be
responsible for picking up the child immediately. The suspension period, which would be determined by the
Afterschool Coordinator, could range from 1 to 3 days.
Removal- The YMCA Afterschool Program cannot serve children who display chronically disruptive behavior.
Chronically disruptive behavior is defined as verbal or physical activity which may include, but is not limited
to, the following:
Behavior that requires constant one-on-one attention from staff.
Behavior that inflicts physical or emotional harm on other children, self, or the staff.
Behavior that disrupts the program on a continuous basis.
I have reviewed the Behavior Management Policy and shared the information with my child. I understand
and agree to all of the terms presented in this document.
Child’s Name:______________________________________________________________________
Parent’s Signature: _________________________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________________________________