Sponsorship Agreement Form


Name ____________________________
World History Learning Menu
Throughout the school year you will use this learning menu to explore the important
concepts and ideas in World History. PLEASE KEEP THIS LEARNING MENU IN THE WORLD
HISTORY SECTION OF YOUR BINDER. You will use it during each unit, and it will be a
required item for each Social Studies Binder SPOT Check.
Assignment is thorough
Assignment is complete
Assignment is basic and
Assignment is incomplete
and complete and
and contains details and
contains few details or
and contains little/no
contains excellent specific
examples to demonstrate
examples. Approaching
details or examples and
details and examples to
an understanding of
understanding of concepts
does not demonstrate
demonstrate an in-depth
concepts and ideas.
and ideas.
understanding of concepts
understanding of concepts
and ideas.
and ideas.
You may not select the same appetizer choice more than twice in any given chapter
Section Review Questions: For the assigned
Outline: Create an outline (in bullet form)
section, write the complete question and the
summarizing the main ideas and themes within the
correct response for each Section Review
assigned section.
Summary: Write a summary of the assigned
Cornell Notes: Take Cornell Notes on the main
section. (Minimum 1 paragraph) Your summary
ideas and themes within the assigned section.
should be well constructed, free of grammatical
errors and include specific details.
What Do You Think? Respond to a “What Do You
Tweets: Compose Tweets that summarize the 3
Think?” question found in the margin of the
most important events in the assigned section in
assigned section. Write the question and your
140 characters or less.
response in complete sentences.
(Minimum 3 Tweets - 1 per event)
Mom says you have to eat your veggies; your teacher says you have to complete certain assignments.
Vocabulary: Write each assigned term, define it,
People & Places: Explain the significance of each
and provide an example/illustration.
assigned person/place in the context of the time
Concept Web: Complete the concept web using as
INSPECT Log: As you read the chapter, locate and
many applicable vocabulary terms and important
explain at least 2 specific, detailed examples for
people as possible. (Your concept web should look
each of the INSPECT categories. (1 or 2 words is
more like a spider web than a wagon wheel.)
not sufficient) Provide the page number for
Packet Cover: A title, your name, and a full-page hand-drawn color illustration that represents the
chapter as a whole.


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