Book recommendation form for your library
*Your name:
*Your email address:
*Your department:
*Course (module number, if recommended for a taught course):
*Title of book:
*Author of book:
Publication date and edition:
Preferred format:
Publisher and supplier/aggregator, if known:
* required
I recommend this book because: (please tick all that apply)
PERSONAL REFERENCE: I will need to refer to these publications frequently for
new research articles related to my work. I will regularly recommend articles to my
STUDENT REFERRAL: I will be referring my students to these publications
regularly to assist in their studies.
BENEFIT FOR LIBRARY: These publications will benefit the library’s collection
and strengthen our research output in this field. I will regularly recommend articles to
my colleagues/students.
OWN AFFILIATION: I am a contributor to these publications and therefore
strongly support the publisher and require their publications in my work. I will
regularly recommend articles to my colleagues/students.
OTHER In addition, I would ask that you consider the following reasons for
recommending this book: