Application Form
Mentoring in Biology Course (020.441 and 020.442)
Department of Biology, The Johns Hopkins University
Complete this application and attach a copy of your transcript. Submit all materials to the
Biology Office, 144 Mudd Hall, by the deadline indicated in the Registrar’s listing for this
course. Acceptances will be offered by the day before registration.
020.441 Mentoring in Biology (1) Pearlman/Roberson/Shingles, Friday 1:10 – 1:20pm OR
1:30 – 1:40 and one additional weekly hour to be arranged, Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory only
This course provides students who have taken General Biology I and II the opportunity to
mentor new students in General Biology I and II. Mentors collaborate with faculty on how to
lead effective sessions, help student teams complete team assignments, and generally help
students understand difficult concepts and principles in biology. Mentors must have a firm
command of the topics covered in biology and must meet with both faculty and students through
the course of the semester.
Instructor's Permission Required. To become a Mentor, students must have successfully
completed 020.151/152, must apply using the following form and must be accepted by the
1. Name
3. Email address
4. Phone number
5. Year General Biology was
6. Year in school as of this
coming fall (i.e.—sophomore,
7. Major
8. Have you previously served as
a Mentor for this course?
so, you only have to fill out this table
and section 11.)
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last updated 4/7/16