Legal Documentation Checklist Form - Business


Legal Documentation Checklist – Business
Primary Form of Identification for signer (must be unexpired ID)
State Specific Documentation:
Secondary form of Identification for signer (if new relationship to BGB)
Signed Power of Attorney, if applicable (Principal must be present)
Fictitious Business Name Statement (DBA)
For Non-U.S. persons, one or more of the following:
Proof of publication (for business open one year or less)
U.S. taxpayer identification number
Fictitious Business Name Search
Passport number and country of issuance
Alien identification card number
Proof of EIN
State Specific Documentation:
Primary Form of Identification for each signer (must be unexpired ID)
For Non-U.S. persons, one or more of the following:
Statement of Information and any amendments - (must
U.S. taxpayer identification number
contain officer names)
Passport number and country of issuance
Articles of Incorporation – Copy filed with the Secretary of State and
Alien identification card number
any amendments
Board Meeting Minutes – If the corporate officers have changed on
**Additional documentation may be required to establish controlling parties
the Statement of Information for CA (executed by Corporate
Certificate of Status Foreign Corporation to do business in California.
If they are not conducting business in CA, obtain a written
statement from client indicating they are not conducting business
in CA.
Fictitious Business Name Statement (DBA)
Proof of publication (for business open one year or less)
Proof of EIN
State Specific Documentation:
Primary Form of Identification for each signer (must be unexpired ID)
For Non-U.S. persons, one or more of the following:
Partnership Agreement (not filed with the state)
U.S. taxpayer identification number
Fictitious Business Name Statement (DBA)
Passport number and country of issuance
Proof of publication (for business open one year or less)
Alien identification card number
**Additional documentation may be required to establish controlling parties
Proof of EIN
State Specific Documentation:
Primary Form of Identification for each signer (must be unexpired ID)
For Non-U.S. persons, one or more of the following:
Certificate of Limited Partnership – filed with the Secretary of State
U.S. taxpayer identification number
Fictitious Business Name Statement (DBA)
Passport number and country of issuance
Proof of publication (for business open one year or less)
Alien identification card number
**Additional documentation may be required to establish controlling parties
Signature Card Signed by Authorized Signer(s)
Client Identification Profile
Account Information Profile - Risk Ranking
Company Resolution (BPM)
Secretary of State Portal print out verifying Active Status
Account Number(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
NA-2 (02-27-2017)
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