State of Connecticut Human Resources
CORE CT Coding
For Leave of Absence under the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
And/or State C.G.S. 5-248a (Family and medical leave from employment)
(To be completed by the Human Resources Unit)
Form #: FMLA-HR2c
Revision Date: 3/2015
This form is to be completed by Human Resources when the employee has been approved for federal FMLA and/or state C.G.S.5-
248a leave entitlement and is attached to the employee’s HR2b – Designation Notice. This form can also be used when a workers’
compensation absence is counted against the employee’s federal FMLA entitlement.
Employee Name: ____________________________________ Agency: __________________Date:_________
Employee ID Number: __________________Supervisor’s Name: ____________________________________
The following is a list of CORE CT codes and timeframes to be used for your leave entitlement. Remember: When
calling in, you must specify “FMLA”.
You have been approved for: (check items that apply)
____ Federal FMLA: ____ Intermittent; ____ Reduced Schedule; ____Block Leave; ____Workers Compensation
____ Self; ____ Caregiver; _____ MFL Caregiver Covered Servicemember; _____MFL Caregiver
Covered Veteran; _____ MFL Qualifying Exigency
From __________________________To ____________________________
____ Both federal FMLA and state family medical leave (C.G.S. 5-248a)
_____ Self; _____ Caregiver; _____ MFL Caregiver Covered Servicemember
From _________________________ To ___________________________
____ State family medical leave (C.G.S. 5-248a)
_____ Self; _____ Caregiver; _____MFL Caregiver Covered Servicemember
From _________________________To _____________________________
____ C.G.S. 46a-60(a) (7) – Pregnancy Disability Leave (Use if employee does not qualify for federal
or state family medical leave.
From _________________________ To ___________________________
PLEASE NOTE: This will be the only REMINDER of your family and medical leave (federal FMLA or state C.G.S. 5-248a) end date. If you require continued leave
or additional leave when your leave entitlement expires, it is your responsibility to submit a new medical certificate (P33a or P33b) in conjunction with an anticipated
absence. Approval shall not be retroactively applied if leave documents are not received timely.
Cc: Human Resources, Payroll, Manager/Supervisor