Western Illinois University Fallen Soldiers Scholarship
Four $500 scholarship awards will be made during the academic year to acknowledge veterans
and service members for their outstanding scholarship and leadership. Two awards in the amount
of $500 each will be made for the fall term and two awards in the amount of $500 each will be
made for the spring term. The scholarship award may be used for educational expenses and will
be made via electronic funds transfer. Preference will be given to an applicant who has served at
least one year active duty in support of a combat mission.
This Fallen Soldiers Scholarship is not renewable. The deadline for consideration for the fall
2016 term is July 30, 2016.
Background Information
The Fallen Soldiers Scholarship Fund was started in honor of two WIU alumni who were killed in the line of duty, Captain
Derek Dobogai and Lieutenant Colonel Robert Baldwin.
Dobogai graduated from Western in 2003 with a bachelor's degree in law enforcement and justice administration, was a
member of the Leatherneck cross-country team and track and field team. He was also a member of WIU's Reserve Officer's
Training Corps (ROTC), and while at Western, was ranked as the No. 14 Army ROTC cadet in the nation among more than
4,000 cadets. Dobogai earned the "Lieutenant of the Year" award for the 25th Infantry Division and had recently been
selected to join the U.S. Army Special Forces unit known as the Green Berets.
Baldwin earned a bachelor's degree in industrial technology from WIU in 1993. He also held a master's degree in military art
and science from the School of Advanced Military Studies and a master's degree in adult education from Kansas State
University. While at Western, Baldwin was a member of ROTC and the Delta Upsilon International Fraternity. Baldwin's
military awards and decorations include: Bronze Star Medal; Meritorious Service Medal; Army Commendation Medal; Army
Achievement Medal; Joint Meritorious Unit Award; Meritorious Unit Commendation; National Defense Service Medal;
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal; Afghanistan Campaign Medal with Arrowhead Device; Global War on Terrorism
Expeditionary Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Korean Defense Service Medal; Armed Forces Service
Medal; Army Service Ribbon; Overseas Service Ribbon; NATO Medal; Air Assault Badge; Parachutist Badge; and the Senior
Army Aviator Badge.
Eligibility Criteria
Must have served at least one year active duty (for purposes other than training) or have served active duty in support of a
combat mission in the U.S. Armed Forces, including reserve and guard forces.
Must submit a copy of the DD Form 214 with notation of an honorable discharge or a letter from the Commanding Officer
documenting service.
An undergraduate student must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours at Western, earn a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
for the term immediately preceding the award and enroll as a full-time student at Western during the term in which the
scholarship has been received.
A graduate student must earn a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA for the term immediately preceding the award and enroll as a
full-time student at Western during the term in which the scholarship has been received.
Submit an essay (500 words or less) describing how your military service has influenced your intellectual, academic, and
personal life experiences.
Scholarship recipient must be willing to attend an award ceremony in Macomb on October 22, 2016, if residing in the local