Curriculum Planning And Progress Form Page 2


(Information Technology (IT) Degree) Fall 2015
The general goals of undergraduate IT program are to prepare students to meet the information technology needs of business, government,
healthcare, schools, and other kinds of organizations. IT graduates will possess the skills and knowledge to assume appropriate entry-level
professional positions, and to grow into leadership positions or pursue research or graduate studies in the information technology field.
Enter semester (F - Fall, S - Spring, Su - Summer) and year, e.g., F02, in which student entered or reentered FAMU.
Ratter Student Identification Number (SID).
Institutions should be listed from earliest to most recent. Indicate any degree earned at institution, e.g.
a. Tallahassee Community College, AA
An “AA” degree from a Florida Community College (FCC)
b. Jacksonville State
means that all General Education requirements are satisfied.
Check if requirement has been met.
Enter semester and year when requirement met or course planned, e.g., S02.
Enter grade received, e.g., B; or T followed by the number of the institution listed above from which equivalent transfer credit was earned,
e.g., T2; or AA if requirement met via an Associate of Arts degree.
A student should have obtained a C or better grade in the corresponding prerequisite courses in order to register for a course.
a - General Education course requirement that is met by an “AA” degree.
b - See Catalog for General Education Approved Social Sciences Course List and course descriptions.
c - Must earn a C or Better grade.
d - Should be taken Freshman year or Sophomore year. Strongly suggested for an internship.
e - FCC course STA 2122 is accepted as equivalent.
f - May substitute OST 2335 Business Communications [ENC 1102].
g - See Catalog for General Education Approved Humanities Course List and course descriptions.
h - Meets General Education mathematics requirement but also a major requirement and thus not met by an “AA” degree from a FCC.
i - Must be an upper division CIS course that is not required by degree program and does not have the CGS prefix. Consult with academic advisor.
j - Recommend CIS 4942 Information Systems Internship course to be taken in summer following Junior year, foreign language, or any other
course of interest.
k - May select from laboratory science courses below to satisfy General Education requirement and major requirement. See Catalog for course
AST 1002, BSC 1005, BSC 1010C, CHM 1015, CHM 1030 /w Lab, CHM 1031 /w lab, CHM 1045 /w Lab, CHM 1046 /w Lab,
PHY 3004 /w Lab, PHY 3005 /w Lab, PHY 3048 /w lab, PHY 3049 /w Lab, PSC 1121 /w Lab
l - Students must select three courses within the same concentration core: [ (F) – Fall Only or (S) – Spring Only ]
Information Assurance and Security (IAS):
Data-mining (DA):
CIS 4361 Applied Security (S)
CIS 3040
Info. Systems in Organizations (F)
CIS 4385C Digital Forensics (F)
COP 4710 Advanced Database Management Systems (S)
CNT 4406 Network Security (F)
CAP 3770 Introduction to Data Mining (S)
Web Design (WD):
Mobile Computing (MC):
COP 4365 Advanced C# Programming (S)
CNT 4514 Introduction to Mobile Computing (F)
COP 4813 Network-Based Multimedia (S)
COP 4653
Embedded Systems Programming (S)
COP 4814 Web Services (F)
COP 4652 Ubiquitous and Handheld Programming (S)
m - Students may choose three courses within another concentration core or the Health Informatics concentration. Additional inter-disciplinary
concentrations forthcoming.
Health Informatics (HI):
HIM 3016 Legal Aspect of Health Information (S)
HIM 4465 Healthcare Informatics (F)
HIM 4656 Health Information Systems (F)


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