between Child Care Health Consultant and/or Child Care Program and
Other Individuals/Programs/Agencies
(No referral involved)
I understand that information regarding my child is generally confidential and may not be given to employees of other
schools, public agencies or individual professionals in private practice without my consent or other legal requirement.
, hereby consent to the release of the following information
full name of parent/guardian
initialed and checked below, regarding my child ____________________________________ held by
full name of child
________________________________________________ to _________________________________________.
full name of individual or agency/address
full name of Child Care Health Consultant
____ ❏ Educational/Developmental Records
____ ❏ Diagnostic Assessments/Evaluations
(Occupational/Physical Therapy, Speech and Language Pathology,
Psychological, Social-emotional)
____ ❏ Developmental/Health Screening(s);
please specify:
____ ❏ Medical
____ ❏ Dental
____ ❏ Immunizations Records
____ ❏ Other:
please specify:
I authorize communication and exchange of information between ____________________________________ and
name of individual/agency holding records
_________________________________ to discuss the above indicated records/conditions, and/or findings. I also
name of Child Care Health Consultant
authorize communication and exchange of information between ___________________________________________
name of Child Care Health Consultant
and ____________________________________ Further, ________________________________ is authorized
name of child care program
name of Child Care Health Consultant
to share the information gained with his/her supervisor(s) and/or child care health consulting staff working directly
with her/him. Consent for release of information and authorization of communication shall be for the limited
purpose of understanding and addressing my child’s needs.
This consent is voluntary and I understand that I can withdraw my consent for my child at any time. Unless I
withdraw this consent, this authorization will be effective for the period my child is continuously enrolled in the
By signing below, I am confirming that I have read,
name of the child care program
understood and agree to the above.
Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________________________
print full name
Parent/Guardian Signature:________________________________________________ Date:_____________________
NOTE: In accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) and applicable California laws,
all personal and health information is private and must be protected.
California Childcare Health Program (CCHP) 07/03