Public Records Request (Commercial) Form - City Of Dayton, Kentucky


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Daytime Phone:___________
Evening Phone:___________
Records Requested: (add additional pages if necessary): Receive by Mail
Receive in
Form of Record Requested(if available): Hard Copy
"COMMERCIAL PURPOSE" is defined by law as the direct or indirect use of any public record or records, in any form, for sale,
resale, solicitation, rent, or lease of a service, or any use by which the user expects a profit either through commission, salary or fee. It
shall not include publication or related use of a public record by a newspaper or periodical; sue of a public record by a radio or
television station in its news or other informational programs; or use of a public record in the preparation for prosecution of defense
of litigation or claims settlement by the parties to such action or the attorneys representing the parties.
Please State Commercial Purpose: ____________________________________________________________
I agree to enter into a contract with the City of Dayton, Kentucky to pay a fee for the above records, that fee to be based upon the cost
to the City of Dayton of medial, mechanical processing and staff required to produce a copy of the above records or the cost to the
City of the creation, purchase or acquisition of the public records or both. I understand that it is unlawful to use public records for a
commercial purpose unless certified herein or for a commercial purpose other than that stated. Further, I understand that the city may
collect damages of 3 times the amount that would have been charged if the actual commercial purpose had been stated. along with
costs of collection of damages including reasonable attorneys fees and may impose any other penalty established by law.
I certify that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge.
Subscribed, sworn and acknowledged this _____ day of ______________, 19__
My commission expires:
Notary Public


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