Recording requested by (name):
When recorded, mail to (name and address):
Recorder’s Use Only
(Cal. Civ. Code § 8416)
_________________________________________________ (“claimant”) claims a mechanics lien for
the labor or services or equipment or materials described in paragraph 2, furnished for a work of improvement
on that certain real property located in the County of ____________________________, State of California,
and more particularly described as (address and/or sufficient description): ____________________________
After deducting all just credits and offsets, the sum of _______________________, together with
interest at the rate of ______ per annum from ________________ (date when balance became due), is due
claimant for the following labor, materials, services, or equipment:
Claimant furnished the labor or services or equipment or materials, at the request of
_________________________________________________________________ (employer, person, or entity
to whom labor, materials, services, or equipment were furnished).
The name and address of the owner or reputed owner of the real property is/are: ________________
Claimant's address is:
Dated ____________________
I, _________________________________________, am the: ______________________________________
(“owner,” “president,” “authorized agent,” “partner,” etc) of claimant on the foregoing claim of mechanics lien,
and am authorized to make this verification for and on its behalf. I have read the foregoing claim of mechanics
lien and know the contents of the claim of mechanics lien to be true of my own knowledge.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
Dated ____________________