In re
) Case No.________________
) Personal Property, Compensate Real Estate
) Broker, and/or Pay any Secured Creditor’s Fees
) and Costs; Motion for Authority to Sell Property
) Free and Clear of Liens; and Notice of Hearing
) [Note: Do not use to sell personally identifiable
information about individuals!]
NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT ________________________________________________________________________, the
________________________________ (i.e., debtor, trustee, etc.), intends to sell the property described below and moves
for authority to sell said property free and clear of liens pursuant to 11 USC §363(f). The movant's name, address, and
telephone # are: ____________________________________________________________________________________
If you wish to object to any aspect of the sale or fees disclosed in ¶7 or ¶15 you must: (1) attend the hearing set in ¶16 below
and, (2) within 23 days of the later of either (a) the date next to the signature below; or (b) the service date in ¶17 below, file
with the Clerk of Court (i.e., if the 5-digit portion of the Case No. begins with "3" or "4", at 1001 SW 5th Ave. #700, Portland
OR 97204; or if it begins with "6" or "7", at 405 E 8
Ave #2600, Eugene OR 97401): (a) a written response stating the specific
facts upon which the objection is based, and (b) proof that a copy of the response was served on the movant.
This document shall constitute the notice required by LBR 2002-1. (COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS.)
1. The specific subsections of 11 USC §363(f) movant relies upon for authority to sell the property free and clear of liens are:
2. Buyer's Name & Relation to Debtor:
3. General description of the property (NOTE: If real property, state street address here. Also attach legal description as
an Exhibit to the original filed with the court):
4. A copy of the full property description or inventory may be examined or obtained at:
5. The property may be previewed at (include time and place):
6. Other parties to the transaction and their relationship to the debtor are:
7. Gross sales price: $________________. All liens on the property total: $________________, of which Movant believes
a total of $________________ need not be paid as secured claims (because the lien is invalid, avoidable, etc., the lienholder
consents to less than full payment, or part or all of the underlying debt is not allowable). Secured creditor(s) also seek(s)
reimbursement of $________________ for fees and costs. Total sales costs will be: $________________. All tax
consequences have been considered and it presently appears the sale will result in net proceeds to the estate after payment
of valid liens, fees, costs and taxes of approximately: $________________.
8. The sale
is not (mark one) of substantially all of the debtor's assets. Terms and conditions of sale:
9. Competing bids must be submitted to the movant no later than (date) __________, and must exceed the above offer by
at least ________________________ (and be on the same or more favorable terms to the estate).
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