Request for a Restriction on Protected Health Information
Federal law says that you have the right to request a restriction on certain uses and
disclosures of your protected health information. See the other side for information
about your right to request a restriction and the uses and disclosures on which you
may request a restriction. The agency is not required to agree to a restriction.
Name___________________________________________ Date of Birth ________________________
Phone Number (___)______________ Social Security Number _______________________________
Street Address _______________________________________________________________________
City ________________________________ State __________________ Zip ___________________
If you receive Medicaid, enter your Medicaid ID number or gold card number from the back of your
Medicaid ID card _____________________________________________________________________
I am asking to restrict the following health information from being used and disclosed. (Please be
specific about the information and state whom you do not want to have the information. For example,
Do not disclose any information about my claims to my husband.)
Signature ___________________________________________________ Date___________________
Signature of Authorized Representative ___________________________ Date __________________
Relationship of Authorized Representative _________________________________________________
(Attach documentation that you are a personal representative, for example: authorization form, durable
power of attorney, court order, guardianship papers)
To Be Completed by the Agency for Health Care Administration
Approved ___________________________________________________________________________
Denied _____________________________________________________________________________
(Give the reason)
Comment ___________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________ ___________________________________
AHCA Representative Signature
Version 5