Rule 2.32 – Form 1: Financial Affidavit and Application for Appointment of Counsel
In the Iowa District Court for ______________ County
State of Iowa or _________________________,
No. ____________________________
Financial Affidavit and Application for
Appointment of Counsel
In support of my application for appointment of counsel, and under penalty of perjury, the undersigned states:
Name: _____________________________________________________
Date of birth: ____________________
Home phone: ____________________ Cell phone: __________________ Email: ____________________________
Street address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Street/P.O. Box
Apt #
Pending charges: ______________________________________________________________. In jail? Yes No
No job
Yes, full time
Yes, part time (list hours per week: __________________)
Do you have a job?
Who do you work for? ____________________________________________
How much money do you currently make, before taxes or deductions? ____________ per hour month year
How much money have you made in the last 12 months from any source, before taxes or deductions? ______________
How many family members are supported by or live with you? _______
If a spouse lives with you, how much money does your spouse make? ____________ per hour month year
List all other money you, and anyone else living in your household, has coming in: ____________________________
List what you own, including money in banks, cars, trucks, other vehicles, land, houses, buildings, cash, or anything
else worth more than $100: _________________________________________________________________________
List amounts you pay monthly for mortgages, rent, car loans, credit cards, child support, and any other debts: _______
I understand I may be required to repay the state for all or part of my attorney fees and costs, I may be required
to sign a wage assignment, and I must report any changes in the information submitted on this financial
affidavit. I promise under penalty of perjury that the statements I make in this application are true, and that I
am unable to pay for an attorney to represent me.
Signature ____________________________________________