I, ______________________________________________ grant permission to
Jumpstart Therapy , LLC to use photograph(s), video or electronic media images of
myself or child as it relates to occupational therapy. I give permission to have such
photographs, video or electronic images
___displayed in-office
___sent to me via mail, email or text
___used for educational purposes in-office
___used for educational purposes out of the office
__used for promotional or advertisement purposes as it relates to Jumpstart Therapy,
LLC (such as brochures and website)
I understand that I may revoke this authorization at any time by notifying Jumpstart
Therapy, LLC/Kimberly Geary in writing. The revocation will not affect any actions taken
before the receipt of this written notification. Images will be kept as long as they are
relevant and after that time destroyed.
Parent/Guardian Name___________________________________________________
Child’s Name____________________________________________________________
Phone __________________________ Email__________________________________
Signature ________________________________ Date __________________________
***If used for Promotional or Advertisement Purposes ***
Image(s) Description