COURSE DESCRIPTION: Please include the following information.
Student learning objectives:
Resources to be used:
Timeline and interaction with faculty sponsor (include proposed meeting schedule with faculty): While the instructor determines how much
time s/he will spend in advising the student on his or her independent work, it is recommended that faculty not meet more than once a week with an
independent study student and not less than once every two weeks.
Expected end result (e.g. major paper, production, research etc.):
Course(s) completed in preparation for this project:
Independent Study may be an option for the student with a good academic record who has a compelling interest in the proposed area of study, has
completed the courses that provide appropriate background to the independent study, and who proposes, in writing to a faculty sponsor, a detailed,
articulate, and coherent plan of study.
The proposed focus of the Independent Study must clearly lend itself to the “independent study” format: for example, pursuit of the topic should
depend largely on the student’s own initiative, the availability of resources to which the student can have independent access, and should require
minimal ongoing monitoring or instruction from the faculty member.
The Independent Study should cover areas of student and faculty interests not typically included in regular course offerings, or take the student's
experience into a greater depth of study and more sophisticated engagement with course-related topics.
While several variables affect the amount of time a student should commit to independent study work, the general expectation is that the
student should invest a minimum of 9-12 hours each week in his or her project (assuming 3-4 hours of credit). The proposed course of study
should thus lend itself to substantial and sustained effort.
The topic of the proposed Independent Study should have clear and credible connections to the sponsoring discipline. Studies that are more cross-
disciplinary or interdisciplinary in nature should consider using the rubric ID271 or ID371: Interdisciplinary Independent Study.
Some departments require special departmental forms that can be attached to this form to detail the expectations for completion of course requirements
Independent Studies cannot count toward all-college foundation or breadth requirements, unless they follow the syllabus of an existing approved
Skidmore course. 300-level independent studies do count as maturity-level credit.
In the box at the top of the form, unless you are one of the special circumstances listed, the course number will be 371(3cr).
If your independent study is conducted under the AA, AH, AS, CC, ED, ES, EX, GW, HF, IA, ID, LI, MB, MF, or PS rubrics, please circle the
appropriate option in the box.
If your independent study is with the foreign language department, please indicate whether or not it is being taught in English.
Registrar 5/15