Letter of Introduction and Informed Consent Form
Study Title:
Before agreeing to participate in this research, we strongly encourage you to read the following explanation of
this study. This statement describes the purpose and procedures of the study. Also described is your right to
withdraw from the study at any time. This study has been approved by the Research Ethics Board of Concordia
University College of Alberta
Explanation of Procedures
This study is designed to examine the ways in which _________________________________. We are
conducting this study to learn more about this question since it has not been studied much in the past.
Participation in the study involves completion of a survey that asks you basic questions about yourselves and the
specific timing and procedures you may have undergone as you _________________________, and a face-to-
face interview, which will last for approximately one to two hours. The interviews will be conducted by one of
the researchers, audio-taped and later transcribed for the purpose of data analysis. We will interview you and
your spouse separately, in the counseling/interview room on the campus at Concordia University College of
Risks and Discomforts
There are no risks or discomforts that are anticipated from your participation in the study. Potential risks or
discomforts include possible emotional feelings of sadness when asked questions during the interview.
The anticipated benefit of participation is the opportunity to discuss feelings, perceptions, and concerns related
to the experience of ________________, and to contribute to understanding of decision-making during
The information gathered during this study will remain confidential in secure premises during this project. Only
the researchers will have access to the study data and information. There will not be any identifying names on
the surveys or interview transcripts; they will be coded and the key to the code will be kept locked away. Your
names and any other identifying details will never be revealed in any publication of the results of this study. The
tapes will be destroyed at the completion of the study. The results of the research will be published in the form of
a research paper and may be published in a professional journal or presented at professional meetings. It may
also be published in book form. The knowledge obtained from this study will be of great value in guiding
professionals to be more effective in ___________________________________________________.
Withdrawal without Prejudice
Participation in this study is voluntary; refusal to participate will involve no penalty. You are free to withdraw
consent and discontinue participation in this project at any time without prejudice or penalty. You are also free
to refuse to answer any question we might ask you.