Item number 10 must be completed by out-of-state businesses.
10. Give name, title and address of agent in New Jersey or registered New Jersey agent on whom service may be made (must be documented by letter
from agent) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
11. Attach one copy each of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the last two fiscal years.
12. List all suppliers of motor fuel. A copy of the contract from each supplier must be attached indicating type of product and where provided by supplier
13. Is applicant a licensed distributor, importer or exporter in another state or foreign country? Please indicate state, license number, and point of contact
in each state (include name and telephone number). Additionally, please attach a copy of each license. If applicant is a foreign importer, include copy
of US Customs permit. _________________________________________________________________________________________
14. Does applicant hold a Federal Form 637? Is so, identify the issuing IRS District Office, provide copy of 637 certificate and copies of applicant’s last
two quarterly Form720 reports filed with the IRS. ___________________________________________________________________________
15. Does applicant hold any other New Jersey Motor Fuel License? If yes, explain _______________________________________________________
16. Has applicant or any related party ever had a Motor Fuel License denied, suspended, cancelled or revoked in New Jersey or any other jurisdiction?
If yes, explain ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
17. Does applicant have any outstanding liability or litigation? If yes, explain ___________________________________________________________
18. Indicate below the maximum number of gallons of motor fuels that you expect to import into this state and the maximum number of gallons of motor
fuel you expect to purchase within this state in any month.
IMPORTS _______________ Gal.
NJ PURCHASES _________________Gal.
TOTAL HANDLE __________________ Gal.
NOTE: An “exchange” or “book transfer” of gasoline in this State is a purchase and/or sale and must be reported by seller and purchaser. Reference:
N.J.S.A. 54:39-7.
19. Describe in detail applicant’s planned activity and need for this license. _____________________________________________________________
20. Indicate below by which type of carrier you expect to receive/import motor fuels into this State.
! Tanker
! Pipeline (provide copy of agreement)
! Barge
! Tank Car
! Tank Truck
21. List below each manufacturing,plant, wholesale plant (include any leased storage) and retail station operated. Designate each by using “M” for
manufacturing, “W” for wholesale, “R” for retail, and “L” for leased. (If more space is needed, attach rider)
Total Capacity
M, W, R, L
of Tank
22. Qualification for an importer license may be predicated upon applicant meeting the test of an importer. An importer is a person who brings gasoline
into this state in his own vehicles, or who hires a common carrier to transport the product, and who has full ownership, possession, custody, control
and direction of the fuel while in transit into this State. Title to gasoline cannot change while in transit in a pipeline.
a. Will applicant’s imports qualify as defined above? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! YES
! NO
23. Is applicant registered for Petroleum Products Gross Receipts as required by the Act? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! YES
! NO
24. The undersigned applicant states, (under penalty of perjury), that all the information contained in this application is true and accurate in every
Name of Applicant
Signature of Owner, Partner or Officer
All information must be provided before the application can be processed.
The information submitted will assist this office in the processing of your request.
The Division of Taxation reserves the right to conduct a thorough investigation prior to renewing this license.
Return completed application and $450 fee to: MOTOR FUEL TAX, PO Box 189, Trenton, NJ 08695-0189
License No. ______________________________________________
Investigation Initiated ____________________________________________
Effective Date_____________________________________________
Investigation Completed __________________________________________
Approved ________________________________________________
Recommendations: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________