Bedford County
Parks & Recreation Department
Program Registration Form
Participant Name: _____________________________________________
Customer #:________
Date of Birth: ___________
M or F
Age: _____
Bedford County/City Resident: Yes or No
Address: ____________________________________
City: __________________
State: _____
Email Address: _____________________________________________________
Phone: ________________
Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ___________
Relationship: ___________________
Phone: ________________
Emergency Contact Information
Name: __________________________
Relationship: ___________________
Phone: ________________
Any Medical Conditions, ETC
If you require any accommodation in order to participate, please explain prior to start of program.
Program Title or Number
Start & End Date
Program Fee
Amount Due: ________________
Apply in Person or Mail to:
1257 County Farm Road
(Checks payable to Bedford County Parks and Recreation)
Bedford, VA 24523
How did you hear about Bedford County Parks and Recreation programs:
Please check one of the following?
Newspaper: ___
Website: ___
Program Guide: ___
Flyer: ___
Email: ___
Other: ___________________
Parks and Recreation Program Assistance Fund:
Yes, I would like to contribute _____$1.00, _____$5.00 ______$10.00 or other $___________ to the Parks and Recreation
scholarship fund. This fund allows children from the Bedford County/City area to attend recreational programs in our County
who financially may not be able to participate. We are grateful for your contribution and thank you for your donation!
In participating in Parks and Recreation Programs, sponsored by Bedford County, I hereby acknowledge that I understand that there are risks
of accidents resulting in bodily harm to me arising out of those activities. I understand that Recreation activities are planned with the safety of the participants
in mind. I further acknowledge that I have the physical capacity reasonably necessary to engage in the Recreation activity for which I have enrolled. In case
of emergency, accident or illness, I give my permission to be treated by a professional medical person and admitted to a hospital if necessary. I agree to be
the party responsible for all medical expenses which are incurred in my behalf. It is understood and agreed that the County, it’s Board, employees, volunteers
and agents shall be held harmless against all claims, damages, loss or expenses including attorney’s fees arising out of or resulting from my participation in
recreation programs. I also hereby waive ownership of any photographic record take by Bedford County or photographers contracted by Bedford County and
agree to permit Bedford County to use my image and/or my child’s image for and in Bedford County publications, posters, website, or other media, and agree
not to make any claim against Bedford County.
** I have read the above waiver and understand the contents**
For Office Use Only
Cash: _______
Check #: ______
Amount Paid: _______
Received By: ____________________
Date: ________ Time: _______