_____________________________________, (client), as lawful consideration for
(please print)
participating with Skyline Outfitters, LLC furnish the following, health, and dietary information
to the Skyline Outfitters, LLC which I state to be true and correct, and accepting responsibility
for failure to disclose any condition of not fully stating such condition. I have assumed full
responsibility for my physical condition; that the use of all services and/or facilities of the
Skyline Outfitters, LLC is at my own risk and that supplying this information is for the sole
purpose of Skyline Outfitters, LLC in planning the services and/or facilities and I hold Skyline
Outfitters, LLC harmless if any liability resulting from my personal health or fitness. I further
understand that I must furnish complete information to include physician’s reports if the
conditions would otherwise be considered to be detrimental to my health if not disclosed. I will
attach other sheets if necessary to full disclose my condition(s). I also understand that I am
signing an additional release and assumption of risk form.
Client signature:_________________________________________
Have you ever had or been diagnosed as having heart or coronary artery disease?
If yes, please use the back of this page to describe any limitations on activities, medications of
other relevant information.
Do you suffer from high blood pressure? Yes______No______
If yes, please describe any limitations on activities, medications of other relevant information
on the back of this page.
Any other condition that requires taking of daily medications or carrying of special medications
or equipment? Yes_____No_____
If yes, describe condition, medications or equipment required, any restrictions caused by the
same, and any special instructions needed by the outfitter on reserve side.
Do you have any allergies, including allergic reactions to specific medications, specific foods, or
other physical condition that requires special attention or medication? Yes______No______
If yes, describe condition and/or medication on the back of the page.
Do you have any dietary restriction? Yes______No______
If yes, please describe on back of page. Do you have any specific requests for food or beverages
at camp?