Amendment to Registration of a
Foreign Limited Liability Company (LLC)
To change information of record for your registered foreign LLC, fill out
this form, and submit for filing along with:
– A $30 filing fee.
– A separate, non-refundable $15 service fee also must be included,
if you drop off the completed form.
Important! To change the LLC addresses, or to change the name or
address of the LLC's agent for service of process, you must file a
Statement of Information (Form LLC-12). To get Form LLC-12, go to
This Space For Office Use Only
For questions about this form, go to
LLC Name Used In California
LLC File No.
(on file with CA Secretary of State)
(issued by CA Secretary of State)
Items 3 - 6: Complete only the items where information is being changed by this filing.
The name to be used for this LLC in California is changed to:
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
(List the proposed LLC name.)
The name must end with: "LLC," "L.L.C.," "Limited Liability Company," "Limited Liability
Co.," "Ltd. Liability Co." or "Ltd. Liability Company;" and may not include: "bank," "trust,"
"trustee," "incorporated," "inc.," "corporation," or "corp.," "insurer," or "insurance company."
The name of this LLC has been changed in the state or country of formation to:
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
(List the new name, if different from Item 3.)
The date this LLC was formed (MM, DD, YYYY) is:
_________________________________________________________________________ .
(if incorrectly reported when you registered in CA)
The state or country where this LLC was formed is:
__________________________________________________________________________ .
(if incorrectly reported when you registered in CA)
Read and sign below:
I am authorized to sign this document under the laws of the state or country where this LLC was formed.
Sign here
Print your name here
Your business title
Make check/money order payable to: Secretary of State
By Mail
Upon filing, we will return one (1) uncertified copy of your
Secretary of State
Secretary of State
filed document for free, and will certify the copy upon
Business Entities, P.O. Box 944228
1500 11th Street., 3rd Floor
request and payment of a $5 certification fee.
Sacramento, CA 94244-2280
Sacramento, CA 95814
Corporations Code §§ 17052, 17451,
2013 California Secretary of State
LLC-6 (REV 01/2013)
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