U.S. Department of Housing
OMB Approval No. 2502-0328
Title I Claim for Loss
(exp. 1/31/2003)
and Urban Development
(Part 1) Transmittal
Office of Housing
Federal Housing Commissioner
Read Instructions carefully before completing this form.
1. Names of Borrowers
2. Contract Number
3. Title I Case Number
4. To Whom Proceeds Check was Paid
5. Date of Check 6. Reason for Default
7. Please provide the following items as appropriate and assemble the documents in the order indicated.
Check Items
Where the item does not apply, indicate "N/A" in the next column.
1. Title I Claim for Loss Application Voucher (original and 1 copy)
A. Documents
for Property
2. Explanation for Late Claim Filing
3. Original Note or Retail Installment Contract Assigned to USA
4. Truth-in-Lending Disclosure
5. Mortgage, Deed of Trust, Other Security Instrument with Original Recorded Assignment to USA
Home Loans
6. Modification or Assumption Agreements
7. Credit Application (Social Security Numbers must be included)
8. Consumer Credit Report
9. Verification of Employment and Income
10. Verification of Self-Employment Income
1. Evidence of Borrower's Interest in the Property
B. Documents
for Property
2. Contract of Work or Written Description with Cost Estimates
3. Completion Certificate
Loans Only
4. Report on Inspection of Improvements (if loan amount exceeds $7,500)
5. Prior HUD Approval of Borrower's Credit (if total loans exceed $25,000)
1. Verification of Deposit of Down payment
C. Documents
2. Calculation of Debt-to-Income Ratios
3. Purchase Agreement
Home Loans
4. Manufacturer's Invoice and FHA Supplement
5. Invoices for Delivery and Set-up, Skirting, Air Conditioning
6. Invoices or Appraisals for Appurtenances
7. Value Determination on Trade-in
8. HUD-Approved Appraisal of Existing Home and/or Lot
9. Advance Notice of Disbursement to Dealer or Seller
10. Manufacturer's Warranty on New Home
11. Placement Certificate
12. Evidence of Ownership or Leasehold for Individual Homesite
13. Certification of Park or Individual Homesite Approval
14. Evidence of Abandonment, Voluntary Conveyance or Surrender
15. Condition Report on Vacant or Abandoned Home
16. Notice of Sale in Compliance with State Law
17. HUD-Approved Appraisal of Repossessed or Foreclosed Property
18. Resale Purchase Agreement
19. Itemized Costs of Repossession or Foreclosure
20. Invoice for Sales Commission
21. Documentation of Efforts to Enforce Recourse
D. Other
1. Documentation of Collection Efforts After Default
2. Proposed Modification Agreements or Repayment Plans
for Property
3. Notice of Default and Acceleration
4. Notice of Assignment Sent to Credit Reporting Agency
5. Notice of Bankruptcy & Proof of Claim Filed in Bankruptcy Court with Assignment to USA
Home Loans
6. Proof of Claim Filed with Probate Court with Assignment to USA
8. Remarks: To facilitate the processing of this claim, please explain any omissions or incomplete items.
9. Date
10. Name of Lending Institution
11. Signature & Title of Authorized Official
Previous edition is obsolete
ref. Handbook 1060.2
form HUD-637 (2/2000)
Send original to HUD; copy to lender