Teton Science Schools
Short Form
Program Name(s)
Program Date(s)
All information on this form must be complete, including signatures, prior to participation.
Include names/dates of all programs attending.
General Participant Information
This information will be shared only with Teton Science Schools (TSS) personnel, consulting and treating medical personnel and other
individuals working with TSS. Otherwise the information will remain confidential.
Date of Birth
Mailing Address
Zip Code
Phone Number
Email Address
In case of emergency, what relative, neighbor or friend should be called?
Phone #
Pre-Existing Conditions
Do you have a pre-existing medical condition that might affect your participation in an active outdoor program? If yes,
please describe this condition below.
Are you currently taking any medication? If yes, what type, dosage and medical condition? If more space is needed, attach a
separate sheet.
Are you allergic to any medications, foods or environmental stimuli (bee stings, etc.)? If yes, please explain below.
Each participant is responsible for his/her own medical expenses.
Health Insurance Provider
Policy Number
Phone _____________________
Physician _______________________________________________
Phone _________________________
Participant or Parents/Legal Guardians (“parents”) of Minor Participants – Medical Authorization and
I authorize TSS staff, contractors or other medical personnel to obtain or provide medical care for me/my child, to transport me or my
child to a medical facility and to secure treatment (including but not limited to routine or emergency health care, hospitalization,
injection, anesthesia or surgery) they consider necessary for my/my child's heath. I agree to pay all costs associated with that care and
transportation and agree to the release (to or by TSS) of any medical records necessary for treatment, referral, billing or insurance
purposes. Note to parents of minor participants: except to the extent limited by this form, my child has permission to participant in all
TSS activities. I authorize that all information on this form is accurate and complete and I have not withheld any information.
For participants under the age of 18 yrs. (minors): Participants over the age of 12 yrs. AND one or preferably both parents of minor
participant must sign this form.
Participant Signature (parents may print the name for those participants under 12 yrs. old) Date
Print name here
Parent 1
/Parent 2
Parent or Legal Guardian Signature Date
Print name here
/Parent or Legal Guardian Signature
Print name here
Short Risk Release Form 6/1/06