Easter Bunny Letter Template


The Easter Bunny
Happy Easter!
Oh, hello there. I was just off making some
jellybeans. And I'm not talkin' about the candy kind,
if you know what I mean.
I hope you're enjoying Easter Sunday. I've really
been focusing more on the kids the last few years
(the economy, you know). But please note that I've
left you a few little treats that I know you'll like.
I did hide some Easter eggs around your place. I
made sure to hide them really well, so you won't
find them until they start to smell, or later in the
spring when you run over them with the
Also, I've been meaning to talk to you about
something. Are you one of those barbaric human
creatures who bites the ears off chocolate bunnies?
I hope not, because if I find out that's the case, I'm
afraid this is the last letter you'll be getting from me.
I don't care to be pen pals with people with such
violent tendencies.
Well, I'd better go. My nose is twitching
and I feel kind of funny. I think someone
spiked my carrot juice.
Your friend,


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