Consulate General of Liberia in New York
866 UN Plaza, Suite 249
New York, NY 10017
Application for Passport Renewal
Office use only
Renewal no.:____________
Date of renewal: _________
Expiration Date: _________
Fees: $_________________
Receipt no: _____________
Last Name______________ First Name___________________ Middle Initial_____ Title______
Present Address_________________________________________________________________
City___________ State_____ Zip Code _________Country_________ Phone #______________
Date of Birth__________________________________________
Place of Birth_________________________________________________________________
Passport #____________________________________________
Date of Issuance: ___________________ Place of Issuance: ____________________________
Date of Expiration: _____________________________________
I hereby certify and declare that each of the above particulars stated by me is true to the
best of my knowledge and ability and that I would be prosecuted for perjuring if found
guilty of false information. Any misleading information given will disqualify me from
obtaining a renewed Liberian Passport.
_______________________________ Date_________________________________
Signature of Applicant
Signature of person filling in form if not same as applicant
Approved By: _________________________
Consular Officer