Consent form for Boy Scouts & Venture Group
Physical Exam
I believe that Scouting helps teach discipline and keeps a person physically active.
More physical activity, sports and exercise are encouraged for a healthy lifestyle,
however they can on rare occasions, pose risks.
You might have heard on the news that there is a very rare chance of sudden
cardiac death during sports/physical activity. The risk of such an event is 1 in
200,000 to 1,000,000. It is very difficult to diagnose and prevent such an event. I
have reviewed some of the research studies done elsewhere. I also reviewed the
medical academies’ recommendations. I am providing the above info not to scare
you but to provide the information. To go an extra mile I am planning to include
one more history form on the top of regular scouting forms. It has a long list of
questions for which you have to check yes or no. If you answered yes for any of
the questions, please provide more info about that on a separate sheet of paper.
Happy and safe Scouting!!
Raghu Kasetty, MD
February 26, 2016
I understand that the scouting screening physical is provided free of charge by
volunteering physicians, assisted by nurses and others. I understand that this is a
onetime only, screening physical and doesn’t replace annual physicals with the
primary doctor. There is no physician-patient relationship beyond the day of the
physical. I understand that there are inherent risks with sports and physical
activities, including the one mentioned above in this page. By signing this form I
hereby relieve the legal liability on the personnel involved in performing the scout
Parent Signature_________________________________Date________________
Scout Participant(18 yrs or older)____________________Date________________