Instructions For Form 945 - Annual Return Of Withheld Federal Income Tax - 2005 Page 2


Where you file depends on whether or not you
information returns (for example, Forms 1099-MISC,
are including a payment with the return.
1099-R, or W-2G) to payees and failure to file copies with
the IRS.
If amounts that must be withheld are not withheld
or are not deposited or paid to the United States
Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Illinois,
Treasury, the trust fund recovery penalty may
Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,
apply. The penalty is the full amount of any unpaid trust
Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North
fund tax. This penalty may apply when these unpaid
Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South
taxes cannot be immediately collected from the employer
Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin
or business. The trust fund recovery penalty may be
imposed on all persons who are determined by the IRS to
Return without payment:
Return with payment:
have been responsible for collecting, accounting for, and
P.O. Box 105092
paying over these taxes, and who acted willfully in not
Cincinnati, OH 45999-0042
Atlanta, GA 30348-5092
doing so. “Willfully” in this case means voluntarily,
consciously, and intentionally. A responsible person acts
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California,
willfully if the person knows that the required actions are
Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas,
not taking place.
Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana,
Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota,
Voluntary income tax withholding. States must allow
Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas,
unemployment compensation recipients to elect to
Utah, Washington, Wyoming
have federal income tax withheld at a 10% rate in 2006.
Recipients paid under the Railroad Unemployment
Return without payment:
Return with payment:
Insurance Act may also elect withholding at a 10% rate
P.O. Box 660443
in 2006.
Ogden, UT 84201-0042
Dallas, TX 75266-0443
Recipients of any of the following federal payments
may request federal income tax withholding in 2006 at a
If you have no legal residence or principal place of
rate of 7%, 10%, 15%, or 25% on:
business in any state –
Social security and Tier 1 railroad retirement benefits,
Return without payment:
Return with payment:
Certain crop disaster payments, and
P.O. Box 80108
Commodity Credit Corporation loans.
Philadelphia, PA 19255-0042
Cincinnati, OH 45280-0008
The payee may request withholding on Form W-4V,
Voluntary Withholding Request, or you may develop your
Exception for exempt organizations and
own substitute form. Any voluntary withholding on these
government entities. If you are filing Form 945 for an
payments must be reported on Form 945 (and on Form
exempt organization or government entity (federal, state,
1099-G) and is subject to the deposit rules.
local, or Indian tribal government), use the following
addresses, regardless of your location:
Depositing Withheld Taxes
Return without payment: Ogden, UT 84201-0042.
Deposit all nonpayroll (Form 945) withheld federal
Return with payment: P.O. Box 660443, Dallas, TX
income tax, including backup withholding, by using the
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) or by
When to file. For 2005, file Form 945 by January 31,
depositing at an authorized institution using Form 8109,
2006. However, if you made deposits on time in full
Federal Tax Deposit Coupon. Some taxpayers are
payment of the taxes for the year, you may file the return
required to use EFTPS to deposit their taxes (see
by February 10, 2006. Your return will be considered
Electronic deposit requirement on page 3). Combine all
timely filed if it is properly addressed and mailed
Form 945 taxes for deposit purposes. Do not combine
First-Class or sent by an IRS-designated private delivery
deposits for Forms 941, 943, or CT-1 with deposits for
service on or before the due date. See Pub. 15
Form 945. If you deposit using Form 8109, be sure to
(Circular E) for more information on IRS-designated
darken the space for Form “945” on Form 8109.
private delivery services.
Generally, the deposit rules that apply to Form 941
Employer identification number (EIN). If you do not
also apply to Form 945. However, because Form 945 is
have an EIN, you may apply for one online. Go to the IRS
an annual return, the rules for determining your deposit
website at and click on the
schedule (discussed below) are different from those for
“Employer ID Numbers (EINs)” link. You may also apply
Form 941. See section 11 of Pub. 15 (Circular E) for a
for an EIN by calling 1-800-829-4933. Or, you can fax or
detailed discussion of the deposit rules.
mail Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification
Number, to the IRS.
Determining your deposit schedule. There are two
deposit schedules —monthly or semiweekly —for
Note. If you are reporting withholding on pension
determining when you must deposit withheld federal
distributions, be sure to be consistent in using the same
income tax. These schedules tell you when a deposit is
name and EIN for all reporting and depositing of taxes
due after a tax liability arises (that is, you make a
(for example, on Forms 945, 1099-R, and 8109/EFTPS).
payment subject to federal income tax withholding,
Filing Form 945 with an incorrect name and EIN or failure
including backup withholding). Before the beginning of
to use the same name and EIN in all reporting and
each calendar year, you must determine which of the two
depositing of taxes may result in penalties and delays in
deposit schedules you must use.
processing your return.
Penalties and interest. There are penalties for filing
For 2006, you are a monthly schedule depositor for
Form 945 late and for paying or depositing taxes late,
Form 945 if the total tax reported on your 2004 Form 945
unless there is reasonable cause. See section 11 of
(line 4) was $50,000 or less. If the total tax reported
Pub. 15 (Circular E) for more information on deposit
for 2004 exceeded $50,000, you are a semiweekly
penalties. There are also penalties for failure to furnish
schedule depositor.


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