Blanket Permission Slip
This form covers unscheduled activities only if:
• They take place during the regularly scheduled Troop Meeting time, day and location.
• They leave from the regularly scheduled Troop Meeting location.
• They are walking trips on the grounds of the meeting place, i.e., school grounds, flagpole, etc.
(No vehicles)
• The girls are back at the meeting place at the regularly scheduled dismissal time.
My daughter_____________________________________________________________________________
has my permission to participate in walking trips with her troop that take place on the grounds
of the troop meeting place during her regularly scheduled meeting.
1. Parent/Guardian’s Name: _____________________________________________________________Date:________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: _______________________________________________________________
2. Parent/Guardian’s Name: _____________________________________________________________Date:________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: _______________________________________________________________
Girl Scouts of Suffolk County • 442 Moreland Road, Commack, NY 11725 • (631) 543-6622 •
Rev. 01/04/2016
Blanket Permission Slip
This form covers unscheduled activities only if:
• They take place during the regularly scheduled Troop Meeting time, day and location.
• They leave from the regularly scheduled Troop Meeting location.
• They are walking trips on the grounds of the meeting place, i.e., school grounds, flagpole, etc.
(No vehicles)
• The girls are back at the meeting place at the regularly scheduled dismissal time.
My daughter_____________________________________________________________________________
has my permission to participate in walking trips with her troop that take place on the grounds
of the troop meeting place during her regularly scheduled meeting.
1. Parent/Guardian’s Name: _____________________________________________________________Date:________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: _______________________________________________________________
2. Parent/Guardian’s Name: _____________________________________________________________Date:________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: _______________________________________________________________
Girl Scouts of Suffolk County • 442 Moreland Road, Commack, NY 11725 • (631) 543-6622 •
Rev. 01/04/2016