Scouting Background information
Number of years Scouting experience: Youth _______________________ Adult _______________________
Scouting positions held: Current _______________________________________________________________
Past _______________________________________________________________________________________
Training experiences and awards received _______________________________________________________
Wood Badge
If awarded this Wood Badge scholarship, I will furnish my own transportation and participate in the Wood
Badge experience indicated on this application and further agree to aid my council with its leadership
training program through instruction and coaching of others upon my return from the Wood Badge course.
Signature of applicant ___________________________________________________ Date _______________
for LocaL counciL uSe onLy
(must be completed and signed by the Scout executive.)
Statement by local council stating why this application should be considered for a scholarship and that the
applicant has satisfactorily completed the prerequisites for the course.
Council No. _______________ Signature of Scout executive _______________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________ Date _______________
2011 Printing