FIN450 | 0415
WHEREAS, _____________________________
(is/are) the Attorney(s)-in-Fact for the Underwriters
at___________________________________, ___________, Texas and the Commissioner of Insurance of the State of
Texas desires to subject securities in the sum of ______________________, (at par value) to the joint control of
(himself/themselves) as such Attorney(s)-in-Fact and of the Commissioner of Insurance of the State of Texas, as
provided for in Article § 941.205 (formerly18.10) of the Texas Insurance Code.
NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed between ______________________, as Attorney(s)-in-Fact for the
Underwriters at ______________________________, ____________, Texas of the one part and the Commissioner
of Insurance of the State of Texas, of the other part, that securities aggregating the sum of
__________________________, (at par value), approved by the Commissioner of the State of Texas, shall be and are
hereby deposited with ___________________________, ______________, __________________ subject to
(Name of Bank)
the joint control of ______________________________ as Attorney(s)-in-Fact for the Underwriters at
_________________________________, and the Commissioner of Insurance of the State of Texas and successors in
IT IS AGREED that said _____________________________as such Attorney(s)-in-Fact shall have the right and privilege
of substituting from time to time as (he/they) may see fit other securities for those deposited under joint control as
above, provided the securities to be substituted therefore have been approved as acceptable securities by the
Commissioner of Insurance.
Description of Security:
Executed this _____ day of _____________ 20______
(Typed Name)
Attorney(s)-in-Fact for the Underwriters at _______________________________________.
David C. Mattax
Commissioner of Insurance
By: David Carbajal
Bonds and Securities Officer
Company Licensing and Registration
The securities have been received by __________________________________, Custodian for the State of Texas, to be held in
accordance with the terms of the above agreement and such securities will not be released from the custody and control of said
Custodian except upon written authorization from the Commissioner of Insurance of the State of Texas.
Date: _________________________________
(Signature of Custodian)
(Typed Name)
Texas Department of Insurance |