New York State Department of Taxation and Finance
Declaration for E-Filing of
Fiduciary Income Tax Return
New York State • New York City • Yonkers
For the calendar year Jan. 1, 2005, through Dec. 31, 2005, or fiscal year beginning
and ending
Name of fiduciary
Federal employer identification number
Address of fiduciary
(number and street or rural route)
City, village, or post office
ZIP code
Number of returns filed with this declaration
Date returns transmitted to IRS (month/day/year)
Declaration of fiduciary
I have electronically filed the 2005 New York State fiduciary income
For payment of taxes owed on the return(s) listed in the
tax return(s), listed on the attachment, including accompanying
accompanying attachment, I certify that I am empowered
schedules and statements, with New York State, through the Internal
to authorize and hereby authorize the New York State Tax
Revenue Service (IRS). I understand that if there is an error on a
Department and its designated financial agents to initiate an
federal return, the New York State return will be rejected.
electronic funds withdrawal from the financial institution account(s)
indicated in the electronic return(s), and I authorize the financial
Under penalties of perjury, I declare the information concerning the
institution(s) to debit the entry to that account(s).
2005 New York State fiduciary income tax return(s) set forth on the
attached listing agrees with the information I have provided on the
electronic return(s), and to the best of my knowledge and belief, the
return(s) is true, correct, and complete.
Signature of fiduciary
Privacy notification — The Commissioner of
return, contact that private delivery service
The fiduciary must send Form IT-205-E
Taxation and Finance may collect and maintain
for instructions on how to obtain written
and required attachments to the Tax
personal information pursuant to the New York
proof of the date your return was given to
Department within one week of receipt of
State Tax Law, including but not limited to,
the delivery service for delivery.
the acknowledgment from the IRS that the
sections 171, 171-a, 287, 308, 429, 475, 505,
related federal return has been accepted.
697, 1096, 1142, and 1415 of that Law; and may
For additional information regarding
require disclosure of social security numbers
If it has been at least four weeks since the
the filing of Form IT-205-E and the
pursuant to 42 USC 405(c)(2)(C)(i).
Tax Department accepted the return, call the
required attachment, see New York State
This information will be used to determine and
New York State Taxpayer Contact Center toll
Publication 90, New York State Handbook
administer tax liabilities and, when authorized
free at 1 800 353-0708 to check the status
for E-Filers of Fiduciary Income Tax Returns
by law, for certain tax offset and exchange of tax
of the refund. From areas outside the U.S.
and Estimated Tax.
information programs as well as for any other
and outside Canada, call (518) 485-6800.
lawful purpose.
Where to file
Telephone assistance is available from
Information concerning quarterly wages paid to
Mail Form IT-205-E to:
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (eastern time),
employees is provided to certain state agencies
Monday through Friday.
for purposes of fraud prevention, support
enforcement, evaluation of the effectiveness of
Declaration of fiduciary
ALBANY NY 12227-0001
certain employment and training programs and
An electronically transmitted New York
other purposes authorized by law.
Private delivery services
If you
State fiduciary income tax return will not
Failure to provide the required information may
choose, you may use a private delivery
be considered filed until a Form IT-205-E,
subject you to civil or criminal penalties, or both,
service, instead of the U.S. Postal Service,
signed by the fiduciary, is received by
under the Tax Law.
to file your return and pay tax. However, if,
the Tax Department. The fiduciary’s
at a later date, you need to establish the
declaration and signature must be
This information is maintained by the Director of
date you filed your return or paid your tax,
provided with respect to all returns for
Records Management and Data Entry, NYS Tax
you cannot use the date recorded by a
which this declaration is filed.
Department, W A Harriman Campus, Albany NY
private delivery service unless you used a
12227; telephone 1 800 225-5829. From areas
Federal/state tax agreement
delivery service that has been designated
outside the United States and outside Canada,
by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury or the
call (518) 485-6800.
Under authority of federal and New York
Commissioner of Taxation and Finance.
State laws, the New York State Tax
(Currently designated delivery services
Department and the IRS have entered into
are listed in Publication 55, Designated
a federal/state agreement for the mutual
Private Delivery Services.) If you have used
exchange of tax information.
a designated private delivery service and
need to establish the date you filed your
Please file this original scannable
form with the Tax Department.