New York State Department of Taxation and Finance
CT-399- I
Instructions for Form CT-399
Depreciation Adjustment Schedule
General Information
Line 2d — Enter the amount of deductions included in line 1 for
property placed in service outside New York State in tax periods
General business corporations, banking corporations, and
beginning before January 1, 1982, and on or after January 1,
insurance corporations must use Form CT-399 to compute the
depreciation modifications required by Articles 9-A, 32 and 33
Line 3 — Attach a separate sheet listing the property claimed on
when determining New York State taxable income.
these lines. Include a brief description of the property, the date
and place the property was put in service, and the cost or other
A corporation will not always be allowed to deduct depreciation
computed under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 168
(including Accelerated Cost Recovery System (ACRS) and
Line 4 — Subtract line 3 from line 1 to determine the amount of
Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS)
the federal deduction that must be added back on your franchise
depreciation) when determining New York State taxable income.
tax return. This amount must equal the total on line 5, column E. If
Instead, a depreciation deduction computed by any method under
it does not, attach an explanation.
IRC section 167 will be permitted.
Part II - Computation of Allowable
However, no modifications are required for:
New York State Depreciation Deduction
— Property placed in service in New York State in tax
Column A — Enter a brief description of each item of property.
years beginning before January 1, 1982, and on or after
January 1, 1985.
Do not list any property included in Part I, line 3.
Air freight forwarders previously taxable under
— Property acquired after June 18, 1984, and subject to the
Article 9 must list property for which depreciation is
limitation under IRC section 280-F (e.g., luxury cars).
included in the amount shown on line 4 (regardless
— Airlines only - property placed in service before
of location).
January 1, 1989.
— Property placed in service outside New York State in tax years
Column B — Enter the exact date the property was placed in
beginning before January 1, 1982, and on or after
service, including month, day and year.
January 1, 1994.
Depreciation may continue to be claimed under IRC section 167
Column C — Enter the cost or other basis from federal Form
for New York State tax on property that has been fully depreciated
4562. Property placed in service in 1981 must be
under IRC section 168 for federal tax but not fully depreciated for
shown at the original cost and should not be
New York.
reduced by any depreciation claimed in 1981.
For more information see TSB-M-85(12)C and TSB-M-89(10)C.
Column D — Enter the total amount of federal ACRS or MACRS
Who Must Use This Form
deduction taken in prior years for each item listed.
A general business corporation, banking corporation or insurance
corporation must use Form CT-399 if it claims an ACRS or
Column E — Enter the federal ACRS or MACRS deductions
MACRS deduction for property placed in service after
taken this year for each item listed. The total of this
December 31, 1980. (A modification is not required for property
column must equal the amount on line 4. Enter this
placed in service in 1981; see above for required modifications.)
amount on the appropriate line of your franchise
Specific Instructions
tax return.
Part I - Computation of ACRS or MACRS
Depreciation Required to be Added Back
F and G —
Indicate the depreciation method selected for the
computation of the the New York State allowable
Use lines 1 through 4 to compute the portion of the ACRS or
depreciation deduction. Any consistent depreciation
MACRS deduction shown on federal Form 4562 that must be
method that would have been allowed under IRC
added back to federal taxable income when determining New York
section 167, without regard to section 168, will be
State entire net income. A copy of federal Form 4562 must
acceptable, including straight line, declining
accompany New York State Form CT-399.
balance, and sum of years digits.
Line 1 — Enter from federal Form 4562 the amount of ACRS and
MACRS included in the total federal depreciation deduction.
Column H — Enter the amount of New York State depreciation
allowed in prior years. Exception for air freight
Line 2a — Enter the amount of depreciation deduction included
forwarders - for each item listed in Column A,
on line 1 for property placed in service in New York State during
compute an amount that represents the New York
tax periods beginning before January 1, 1982, and on or after
depreciation you would have shown if you had
January 1, 1985.
been taxed under Article 9-A since acquiring the
Line 2b — Enter the amount of depreciation deduction included
on line 1 for property acquired after June 18, 1984, that is subject
Column I — Enter the depreciation computed by the method
to the limitation under IRC section 280-F.
indicated in column F. The total of this column will
Line 2c Airlines only — Enter the amount of deductions included
be the depreciation allowable as a deduction for
on line 1 and not included on lines 2a and 2b for property
New York State. Enter the total amount on the
acquired by an airline before January 1, 1989. This line cannot be
appropriate line of your New York State franchise
used by air freight forwarders.
tax return.