Running Records Reading Instruction Page 3


Why do we determine the accuracy
What can a Running Record
level of a Running Record?
show us?
In addition to helping to determine which sources of information students
We need to check if students are reading texts at appropriate levels
are using or neglecting when they are reading, Running Records show:
of difficulty. By taking and quantifying, or scoring, the Running Record
we can determine the level of difficulty of the text for a particular student.
What strategies are used for solving unknown words
Texts a student is reading should offer an appropriate level of challenges
If the student is monitoring or self-checking
for the student’s learning and should be neither too easy nor too difficult.
If there is a high number of appeals with no attempt, or few attempts,
to problem-solve
Accuracy level
If the student is re-reading to check, confirm and maintain meaning
If the student is re-reading to search for further information and
95% – 100 % accuracy
90% – 94% accuracy
If there is a high self-correction rate
89% and below
The rates of fluency and phrasing
The comprehension or understanding, as evidenced by:
Texts read at an easy or instructional level allow teachers to observe how
– the student engaging with the text by making little asides/
a student is processing. Students reading texts at a hard level tend to lose
comments or personalizes the text
the meaning of the text they are reading.
– the student being able to retell the story
The self-correction ratio also needs to be calculated to determine if the
– the student using punctuation, expression and intonation.
student self-corrects errors without any prompting from the teacher.
This information can then be used to plan classroom teaching and address
any areas being neglected or over-emphasised.
How do we analyse a Running
Using Running Records effectively
To help us work out what sources of information the student is attending
to as s/he reads a text, it is important to analyse both the errors and
self-corrections in the Running Record.
Book introduction
– then child reads text
Analysing and interpreting errors and self-corrections on a Running
with teacher support
Record shows us which sources of information have been used:
Meaning (M) – If the student was led by the meaning of the messages
of the text.
At a later time, child
To determine if the student is using meaning, ask ‘Does the substitution
re-reads text. Take
reflect what the author intended?’
Running Record using
Structure (S) – If the student’s responses were influenced by the
syntax or structure of the sentence.
To determine if the student has used structure, ask ‘Does the substitution
reflect acceptable English language usage?’
Visual Information (V) – If the student was influenced by visual
information from the print.
To determine if the student used visual information, ask ‘Does the
Self review – reflecting on practice
substitution look like the word in the text?’
Gather some Running Records you have taken, making
Refer to Figure 1 on page 4.
sure these have been scored and analysed.
Sources of information
Look at the Running Records and ask yourself:
1. Are the Running Records showing there is a balance of the use
of sources of information?
2. Are the students reading at instructional reading level in the
classroom program?
3. Am I using the Running Records to group children who could work
together at this moment in time?
4. Are the Running Records showing there is a balance in what is
being emphasised in the literacy program?
5. Am I using prompts to support teaching and learning?
6. Am I looking for evidence the student is comprehending and asking
myself if the student is driven by meaning?
(Adapted from Running Records teacher training)
Running Records Consultative Draft February 2012
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