How can we use Running Records
Figure 1: Example of a Running Record
taken on the Running Record Sheet
to inform our teaching?
We can use the information we gain from Running Records to determine
if students are:
reading fluently or word-by-word reading
resorting to using single phonemes to sound out words
not attending to meaning
ignoring first-letter cues or only using first-letter cues and not
attending to detail in words
not self-correcting errors
Running Records show the emphases and neglects of our classroom
reading programs and help us plan how to use this information to address
students’ needs.
(Taken from Clay, M.M., p 23)
How can we address students’ needs?
At the end of a Running Record, or during classroom reading time, teachers could use some of the following prompts to help students to problem-solve:
To help students use meaning, say:
To help students use structure, say:
To help students use visual information, say:
Did that make sense?
Did that sound right?
Did that look right?
Look at the picture and think what would
Can we say it like that?
What could you try?
make sense.
Read it again and think what would sound right.
Do you know a word that starts with
Read it again and think what would make sense.
those letters?
You said ____ did that sound right?
You said ____ did that make sense?
Do you know a word like that?
What do you think it could be?
To help students check on themselves
To help students self-correct, say:
To help students cross-check, say:
(self-monitor) say:
I like the way you found out what was wrong all
It could be ____ that would make sense, but
by yourself.
There was a tricky part there – you find it.
look at ____
You made a mistake on that page (or in that
Are you right?
Could it be ____ or ____ or ____ ?
sentence) can you find it?
You made a mistake there, try that again.
Check it – does it look right and sound right
Nothing!!! Allow time for the child to self-correct.
to you?
(Adapted from Clay, M.M. )
For further information
Clay, M.M. 2001, Change over time in children’s literacy development. Heinemann, Portsmouth N.H.
Clay, M.M. 2000, Running Records: for classroom teachers. Heinemann, Auckland.
Fountas, I.C. and Pinnell, G.S. 1996, Guided Reading: good first reading for all children. Heinemann, Portsmouth N.H.
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Running Records Consultative Draft February 2012