Instructions For Schedule R - Apportionment And Allocation Of Income - California Franchise Tax Board - 1998


Instructions for Schedule R
Apportionment and Allocation of Income
References in these instructions are to the California Revenue and Taxation Code (R&TC).
General Information
economic enterprise as a whole give rise to busi-
rental income received during the lease period is
ness income.
nonbusiness income.
This schedule is used by all taxpayers and part-
Example 1 – Corporation Y owns 30% of
Note: Special rules apply to gain or loss from
nerships who are required to apportion business
Corporation X. Corporation Y makes substantial
the sale by a corporation of a nonbusiness
income. Special instructions apply to individuals
purchases from Corporation X for use in its
partnership interest:
and partnerships. See General Instructions B
unitary business operations and, except for the
If 50% or less of the value of the partner-
and C.
ownership percentage, would be considered uni-
ship’s assets at the time of sale consist of
tary with Corporation X’s business operations. A
Unless stated otherwise, the term ‘‘corporation’’
intangibles, divide the original cost of tangible
dividend from Corporation X paid to Corpora-
as used in these instructions and forms includes
property in California owned by the partner-
tion Y is business income.
ship at the time of the sale by the original
Example 2 – Corporation A operates a multistate
cost of all tangible personal property owned
For purposes of these instructions, the term
chain of men’s clothing stores. Corporation A
by the partnership at the time of the sale.
‘‘partnership’’ includes limited liability companies
purchases a 5-story office building primarily for
Multiply this ratio by the gain or loss to find
(LLCs) that are classified as partnerships for tax
use in connection with its principal business. It
the California amount; or
purposes and the term ‘‘partners’’ includes mem-
uses the street floor as one of its retail stores
If more than 50% of the value of the partner-
bers of LLCs.
and the second and third floors for its general
ship’s assets at the time of sale consist of
A Apportionment and Allocation
corporate headquarters. It leases the remaining
intangibles, multiply the gain or loss by the
two floors to others. The rental of the two floors
sales factor of the partnership for its first full
is incidental to the operation of Corporation A’s
taxable period immediately preceding the
A distinct trade or business whose business
business. The rental income is business income.
taxable period during which the partnership
income is required to be apportioned under
interest was sold to find the California
R&TC Sections 25101 and 25120 and limited, if
Example 3 – Corporation B is engaged in the
applicable, by a water’s-edge election under
multistate business of manufacturing and selling
R&TC Section 25110. Apportionment of personal
industrial chemicals. In connection with that busi-
B Individuals
income tax business income is defined in Title 18
ness, Corporation B obtained patents on some of
Nonresidents and resident individuals eligible for
Cal. Code Regs. Section 17951-4.
its products. Corporation B licensed the produc-
the other state tax credit who have income or
tion of the chemicals in foreign countries. In
APPORTIONMENT – Generally refers to the divi-
loss from a trade or business activity conducted
return, Corporation B receives royalties. The
sion of business income among states by the
within and outside California must apportion their
royalties received by Corporation B are business
use of an apportionment formula.
income in accordance with the provisions of
ALLOCATION – Generally refers to the assign-
R&TC Sections 25120 through 25139 (see
Example 4 – In conducting its multistate manu-
ment of nonbusiness income to a particular state.
Title 18 Cal. Code of Regs. Section 17951-4).
facturing business, Corporation C systematically
When a portion of a corporation’s income is from
Items of income or loss that would be treated as
sells and replaces automobiles, machines and
sources outside California, the portion of the cor-
nonbusiness income under those sections if
other equipment used in the business. The gains
poration’s total net income that has its source in
earned by a corporation should be sourced using
or losses resulting from those sales constitute
California is determined using the allocation and
the normal nonbusiness rules and reported on
business income.
apportionment provisions in the Uniform Division
the appropriate line of Schedule CA (540) or
Example 5 – Corporation D is engaged in a
of Income for Tax Purposes Act (R&TC
Schedule CA (540NR). Individuals complete only
multistate manufacturing and selling business.
Sections 25120 through 25141 and the applica-
Schedule R-1, R-2 and lines 12, 13a and 13b on
Corporation D usually has working capital that it
ble regulations). The first step is to determine
Schedule R. Enter on line 12 the total income
regularly invests in interest bearing securities.
which portion of the corporation’s net income is
from the trade or business after any adjustment
The interest income is business income.
‘‘business income’’ and which portion is
for federal and state differences (see
‘‘nonbusiness income.’’
NONBUSINESS INCOME – Means all income
Schedule CA (540)). Nonresidents or part-year
other than business income.
residents enter the amount from line 13b on
Nonbusiness income is allocated to specific
Schedule CA (540NR), line 12, column E. In
states as provided in R&TC Sections 25123
In accordance with R&TC Sections 25120
completing these schedules replace the term
through 25127 and the applicable regulations.
through 25141 inclusive, the income of the
‘‘corporation’’ with ‘‘apportioning business
Business income is apportioned to the states in
corporation is business income unless clearly
which the business is conducted, based on the
classifiable as nonbusiness income. Nonbusiness
property, payroll and sales apportionment factors
income must be computed net of related
C Partnerships and Limited
set forth in R&TC Sections 25128 through 25137
Liability Companies
and the applicable regulations. The sum (or net)
Example 6 – Corporation E operates a multistate
of the business income apportioned to California,
chain of men’s clothing stores. Corporation E
Partnerships and LLCs that are classified as part-
plus the nonbusiness income items directly allo-
invests in a 20-story office building and uses the
nerships for tax purposes, with income or loss
cated to California, is the corporation’s California
street floor as one of its retail stores and the sec-
from a trade or business conducted within and
net income.
ond floor for its general corporate headquarters.
outside California, must apportion business
BUSINESS INCOME – Is defined by Title 18 Cal.
The remaining 18 floors are leased to others.
income in accordance with the provisions of
Code Regs. Section 25120(a) as income arising
The rental of the 18 floors is not incidental to, but
R&TC Sections 25120 through 25139 (see Title
from transactions and activities in the regular
rather is separate from, the operation of the trade
18 Cal. Code Regs. Section 17951-4). Partner-
course of the corporation’s trade or business.
or business of Corporation E. The net rental
ship or LLC items of income or loss that would
Business income includes income from tangible
income is nonbusiness income of the clothing
be treated as nonbusiness income if earned by a
and intangible property if the acquisition,
store business.
corporation are allocated as if such items of
management and disposition of the property con-
income or loss were earned by the individual
Example 7 – Corporation F operates a multistate
stitute integral parts of the corporation’s regular
partner. Partnerships or LLCs complete only
chain of grocery stores. An office building that
trade or business operations. Accordingly, the
Schedules R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4. For purposes
had been used as the corporate headquarters
critical element in determining whether income is
of Schedule R-4, partnerships or LLCs should
did not provide adequate space. A new and
‘‘business income’’ or ‘‘nonbusiness income’’ is
not allocate nonbusiness income from intan-
larger building, located elsewhere, was acquired
the identification of the transactions and activities
gibles. Then complete Schedule R, line 1 through
for use as the new headquarters. The old build-
that are the elements of a particular trade or
line 13b, except for line 1b and line 11, which
ing was rented to an investment company under
business. In general, all transactions and activi-
apply only to corporations. In completing these
a 5-year lease. Upon expiration of the lease, the
ties of the corporation that are dependent on or
schedules replace the term ‘‘corporation’’ with
building was sold at a gain or (loss). The gain or
contribute to the operations of the corporation’s
‘‘partnership’’ or ‘‘LLC.’’
(loss) on the sale is nonbusiness income and the
Schedule R Instructions 1998
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