Complete this return in blue or black ink only.
You must round off cents to the nearest whole dollar on your
If your Social Security Number
or Juris Number are not
Round down to the next lower dollar all amounts that
entered in the spaces provided, please enter them. If either
include 1 through 49 cents. Round up to the next highest dollar
number is not correct, cross it off and write the correct number
all amounts that include 50 through 99 cents.
on the front of this return.
However, if you need to add two or more amounts to compute
Electronic Filing
the amount to enter on a line, include cents and round off only
You may file this return electronically by visiting the Department
the total. If you do not round, DRS will disregard the cents.
of Revenue Services (DRS) Web site at and
Example: Add two amounts ($1.29 + $3.21) to compute the
clicking on the following links:
total ($4.50) to enter on a line. $4.50 is rounded to $5.00 and
Electronic Services (left side of Web page);
entered on a line.
Electronic Filing Options (Business and Individual Taxes); and
What if My Address Changes
File Returns (under Business Tax).
If your address changes, you should notify both DRS and the
Who Must File This Return
Statewide Grievance Committee.
Any attorney listed on the roll of attorneys maintained by the
To change your address with DRS:
Superior Court at any time during the calendar year for which
• Correct the address on the front of this return;
this return is filed must file a return for the calendar year even if
exemption from tax is claimed.
• Fax a written notice of the change, including your Connecticut
Tax Registration Number as it appears on the front of this
Who Is Liable for the Tax
return, to 860-297-4761 (Attn.: 14th Floor Registration Unit);
Any person who is admitted as an attorney by the judges of the
Superior Court, and who engaged in the practice of law in
Connecticut during the calendar year for which this return is filed
• Mail a written notice of the change, including your Connecticut
and who is not exempt from this tax, is liable for the tax.
Tax Registration Number as it appears on the front of this
return, to:
Any person employed as an attorney by an employer, where the
employer is not a law firm but the position requires the person
DRS Registration
be admitted as an attorney by the judges of the Superior Court,
Maintenance Unit
is considered to be engaged in the practice of law and is liable
PO Box 2937
for the tax.
Hartford CT 06104-2937
Who Is Exempt From the Tax
To change your address with the Statewide Grievance
See Section I of this return for a complete list of exemptions.
• Call the Hartford Superior Court’s Clerk Office at
Where Can I Find My Juris Number
860-548-2700, ext. 3723, and ask for Form JD-GC-10
or visit
If you are unsure of your Juris Number, refer to a copy of your
Attorney Registration form completed in compliance with Practice
to download the form.
§2-27. You may also visit the Connecticut Judicial Branch
Web site at to locate your Juris number.
• Return Form JD-GC-10 to the Statewide Grievance Committee
at the address shown on the form.
Employers Paying on Behalf of Employees
Employers paying the tax on behalf of employees must attach a list
• Form JD-GC-9, Attorney Registration, which is sent to you
that includes each employee’s name, Connecticut Tax Registration
annually by the Statewide Grievance Committee, also contains
Number (if applicable), SSN, and Juris Number. One check may be
space to indicate your change of address.
submitted for the total amount due.
Filing an Amended Return
When Do I File
If you make an error(s) on your return, you must correct the
File Form 472, Attorney Occupational Tax Return, on or before
error(s) by filing an amended return using a new Form 472.
15, 2007.
If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday,
Check the box indicating this is an amended return and complete
or legal holiday, the next business day is the due date.
it using the correct figures and information for the reporting
Where to File
Send your completed Form 472 and payment to:
You must file an amended return claiming a refund of taxes
Department of Revenue Services
already paid within three years of the original due date of the
PO Box 5031
return. An explanation of the claim for refund must accompany
Hartford CT 06102-5031
the amended return.
Who Must Sign the Return
Make check or money order payable to: Commissioner of
The attorney must sign and date Form 472. If the attorney
Revenue Services. To ensure proper posting of your payment,
write “2006 Form 472” and your Connecticut Tax Registration
becomes legally incompetent or dies before filing the attorney
Number on your check or money order. DRS may submit your
occupational tax return, the attorney’s guardian, conservator,
check to your bank electronically.
executor, or administrator, as the case may be, may sign the
return on the attorney’s behalf.
What if I File or Pay Late
If you are subject to the tax and pay late, the late payment
Paid Preparer Information
penalty is $50. Late payments are subject to interest at the rate
Anyone you pay to prepare your return must sign and date it.
of 1% (.01) per month or fraction of a month from the due date to
Paid preparers must also enter their
or Preparer Tax
Identification Number (PTIN), their firm’s Federal Employer
the date of payment.
Identification Number (FEIN), and their firm’s name and address
If you are exempt from the tax but file Form 472 late, a late filing
in the spaces provided.
penalty of $50 may be imposed.
Form 472 Back (Rev.