Formularios 941-PR, 943-PR, 944-PR y el Anexo H-PR (Formulario
SSA at 1-888-772-2970 if you experience problems using any of
1040-PR), radicados ante el IRS, tenemos que comunicarnos con
the services within BSO.
usted para resolver tales diferencias.
The website includes electronic filing information, some Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) and SSA publications, and general topics of
Las cantidades reportadas en los Formularios 499R-2/W-2PR,
interest about annual wage reporting. You can also use BSO to ask
W-3PR, 941-PR, 943-PR, 944-PR y el Anexo H-PR (Formulario
questions about wage reporting.
1040-PR) a veces no concuerdan por razones v ´ alidas. Si no
concuerdan, usted deber ´ a verificar que las razones son v ´ alidas.
General Instructions
Conserve su conciliaci ´ on en caso de que el IRS o la SSA tenga
dudas relativas a dichos formularios.
Purpose of form. Use Formulario W-3PR to transmit the Original
copy of Formulario(s) 499R-2/W-2PR to the SSA. Be sure to use
Aviso sobre la Ley de Confidencialidad de
Formulario W-3PR for the correct year and also keep a copy of
Formulario W-3PR for your records.
Informaci ´ on y la Ley de Reducci ´ on de Tr ´ amites
Who must file. Employers and other payers must file Formulario
Solicitamos la informaci ´ on requerida en el Formulario W-3PR para
W-3PR to transmit Formulario(s) 499R-2/W-2PR.
cumplir con las leyes que regulan la recaudaci ´ on de los impuestos
A household employer must file a Formulario W-3PR even if
internos de los Estados Unidos. La necesitamos para computar y
filing only one Formulario 499R-2/W-2PR for one household
cobrar la cantidad correcta de contribuci ´ on. La secci ´ on 6051 del
employee. On Formulario W-3PR check the “Household” box in box
C ´ odigo Federal de Rentas Internas y su reglamentaci ´ on
a. You must have an EIN. See Box c — Employer identification
correspondiente requieren que usted provea copias del formulario
number (EIN) on page 4.
de retenci ´ on a sus empleados y a la SSA. La secci ´ on 6109
Who may sign Formulario W-3PR. A transmitter or sender
requiere que usted provea su n ´ umero de identificaci ´ on patronal
(including a service bureau, reporting agent, paying agent, or
(EIN). Si no nos provee esta informaci ´ on de una manera oportuna,
disbursing agent) may sign Formulario W-3PR (or use its personal
podr´ ı a estar sujeto a multas.
identification number (PIN) on electronic filings) for the employer or
Usted no est ´ a obligado a facilitar la informaci ´ on solicitada en un
payer only if the sender:
formulario seg ´ un la Ley de Reducci ´ on de Tr ´ amites a menos que el
Is authorized to sign by an agency agreement (either oral,
mismo muestre un n ´ umero de control v ´ alido de la Office of
written, or implied) that is valid under state law and
Management and Budget (Oficina de Administraci ´ on y
Writes “For (name of payer)” next to the signature (paper
Presupuesto, conocida por sus siglas en ingl ´ es, OMB). Los libros o
Formulario W-3PR only).
registros relativos a un formulario o sus instrucciones deber ´ an ser
If an authorized sender signs for the payer, the payer is still
conservados mientras su contenido pueda ser utilizado en la
responsible for filing, when due, a correct and complete Formulario
aplicaci ´ on de alguna ley contributiva federal.
W-3PR and related Formulario(s) 499R-2/W-2PR and is subject to
Por regla general, las planillas de contribuci ´ on y toda
any penalties that result from not complying with these
informaci ´ on pertinente son confidenciales, como lo requiere la
requirements. Be sure that the payer’s name and employer
secci ´ on 6103. No obstante, dicha secci ´ on permite o requiere que el
identification number (EIN) are the same as those used on
IRS divulgue o provea tal informaci ´ on a otros, tal como se describe
Formulario 941-PR, Planilla para la declaraci ´ on federal
en el C ´ odigo. Por ejemplo, podemos divulgar informaci ´ on
TRIMESTRAL del patrono; Formulario 943-PR, Planilla para la
contributiva al Departamento de Justicia para casos de litigio civil y
declaraci ´ on ANUAL de la contribuci ´ on federal del patrono de
penal y a las ciudades, estados, posesiones, estados libres
empleados agr´ ı colas; Formulario 944-PR, Planilla para la
asociados con los EE.UU. y el Distrito de Columbia a fin de
declaraci ´ on federal ANUAL del patrono; or Schedule H-PR
ayudarlos a aplicar sus leyes contributivas respectivas. Tambi ´ en la
(Formulario 1040-PR), Contribuciones sobre el empleo de
ley nos autoriza a facilitarles la informaci ´ on a algunos gobiernos
empleados dom ´ esticos, filed by or for the employer.
extranjeros conforme a los tratados tributarios existentes con los
When to file. File your 2009 Formulario W-3PR using the entire
Estados Unidos, a agencias federales y estatales para hacer
Original copy of Formulario 499R-2/W-2PR with the SSA by March
cumplir las leyes federales penales que no tengan que ver con la
1, 2010. However, if you file Formulario 499R-2/W-2PR
contribuci ´ on o a agencias federales encargadas de hacer cumplir
electronically, the due date is March 31, 2010. You may owe a
las leyes y agencias de inteligencia para combatir el terrorismo.
penalty for each Formulario 499R-2/W-2PR you file late.
El tiempo que se necesita para llenar y radicar este formulario
Extension. You may request an automatic extension of time to
var´ ı a, dependiendo de las circunstancias individuales. El tiempo
file Formulario 499R-2/W-2PR by sending Form 8809, Application
promedio que se estima para completar este formulario es 27
for Extension of Time To File Information Returns, to the address
minutos. Si desea hacer alg ´ un comentario acerca de la exactitud
on that form. You must request the extension before the due date
de este tiempo o si tiene alguna sugerencia que ayude a que este
of the returns. You will have an additional 30 days to file. See Form
formulario sea m ´ as sencillo, por favor env´ ı enoslos. Dir´ ı jase al
8809 for details.
Internal Revenue Service, Tax Products Coordinating Committee,
SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526,
Even if you request an extension to file Formulario 499R-2/
Washington, DC 20224. No env´ ı e ni el Formulario 499R-2/W-2PR
W-2PR, you must still furnish Formulario 499R-2/W-2PR to
ni el Formulario W-3PR a esta direcci ´ on. En su lugar, vea Ad ´ onde
your employees by February 1, 2010.
enviar el Formulario en la p ´ agina 1.
Where to file. Send the Original copy of Formulario 499R-2/
W-2PR with the entire page of Formulario W-3PR to:
Extended due date for electronic filers. If you file your 2009
Social Security Administration
Formulario(s) 499R-2/W-2PR with the Social Security
Data Operations Center
Administration (SSA) electronically, the due date is extended to
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18769-0001
March 31, 2010. For information on how to file electronically, see
If you use ‘‘Certified Mail’’ to file, change the ZIP code to
Electronic reporting, later.
‘‘18769-0002.’’ If you use an IRS-approved private delivery
Formulario 944-PR. Use the “944-PR” checkbox in box a of
service to deliver this information, add ‘‘ATTN: W-2 Process,
Formulario W-3PR if you filed Formulario 944-PR, Planilla para la
1150 E. Mountain Dr.’’ to the address and change the ZIP code to
declaraci ´ on federal ANUAL del patrono.
‘‘18702-7997.’’ See Pub. 15 (Circular E), Employer’s Tax Guide, for
a list of IRS-approved private delivery services.
Need Help?
Shipping and mailing. Prepare and file Formulario(s) 499R-2/
If you need information about how to get forms and publications,
W-2PR either alphabetically by employees’ last names or
see Pub. 15 (Circular E), Employer’s Tax Guide.
numerically by employees’ social security numbers. Do not staple
or tape Formulario W-3PR to Formulario(s) 499R-2/W-2PR or any
If you need assistance in Spanish for filing wage reports, call the
Formulario(s) 499R-2/W-2PR to each other. Do not fold either of
SSA at 1-800-772-6270 and request for Spanish assistance at this
these forms; send them to the SSA in a flat mailing. If you file more
than one type of employment tax form, please group Formulario(s)
You can also call the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with your
499R-2/W-2PR of the same type with a separate Formulario
employment tax questions at 1-800-829-4933 or visit the IRS
W-3PR for each same type and send them in separate groups.
website at and type “Employment Taxes” in the
Electronic reporting. If you are required to file 250 or more
“Search” box.
Formulario(s) 499R-2/W-2PR, you must file them electronically
Online wage reporting. Using a personal computer, you can
unless the IRS granted you a waiver. You may be charged a
access SSA’s Business Services Online (BSO) to electronically
penalty if you fail to file electronically when required.
report wage data. To get information regarding filing wage data
electronically with the SSA or to access BSO, visit the SSA’s
You are encouraged to file electronically even though you
Employer W-2 Filing Instructions & Information website at www.
are filing fewer than 250 Formulario(s) 499R-2/W-2PR. For Corrections to previously filed wage
more information, visit the SSA’s Business Services Online
and withholding data can also be made by accessing BSO. Call the
website at and select