Rev. 02/00
P.O. BOX 182388
Columbus, OH 43218-2388
Employer’s School District Income Tax Withholding Instructions
for purposes of the School District Income Tax. Permitting
the employee considerable discretion and freedom of ac-
All employers maintaining an office or transacting business
tion does not matter, so long as the employer has the legal
in Ohio and required to withhold federal and state income
right to control either the method and/or result of the ser-
tax must register if they employ residents of school dis-
tricts which have enacted the School District Income Tax.
Because employers in Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, West
To register, employers should complete Form IT-1R found
Virginia, and Pennsylvania are not required to withhold Ohio
in the IT-501 coupon book sent for Ohio withholding. School
or School District income tax, Ohio residents working in
District employers will use the same account number they
those states may need to file Estimated School District In-
use for Ohio withholding. All forms and correspondence
come Tax. Employers in reciprocity states may choose to
should reflect this account number.
withhold School District tax if they withhold Ohio tax.
Every employer maintaining an office or transacting busi-
Employee’s Withholding Exemption Certificate
ness within the State of Ohio and making payments of any
Every employer liable for Ohio withholding tax must
compensation to an employee who resides in an affected
keep on file the Employee’s Withholding Exemption
school district must withhold the School District Income Tax.
Certificate, Form IT-4. By using the IT-4 employers
Withholding is not required if the compensation is paid for
have built-in fields for the name and number of the
or to:
school district of residence. Employees must update
(1) Agricultural labor as defined in division G of section
their exemption certificate whenever previous informa-
3121 of Title 26 of the United States code;
tion becomes insufficient or incorrect.
(2) Domestic service in a private home, local college club,
Registration for Ohio School District Withholding
or local chapter of a college fraternity or sorority;
Agent, Form IT-1R
(3) Service performed in any calendar quarter by an em-
All affected employers who are not active in the School
ployee unless the cash remuneration paid for such
District withholding system should complete and re-
service is three hundred dollars or more and such ser-
turn the registration form, found in the IT-501 coupon
vice is performed by an individual who is regularly em-
book, as soon as they determine they have employees
ployed by such employer to perform such service;
subject to the School District tax.
(4) Services performed for a foreign government or inter-
national organization;
School District Income Tax Withholding Booklet
(5) Services performed by an individual under the age of
Upon registration employers will receive a coupon book-
eighteen in the delivery or distribution of newspapers
let with enough SD-101 quarterly or monthly returns to
or shopping news, not including delivery or distribution
remit their School District tax for the year. Employers
to any point for subsequent delivery or distribution, or
will also receive the School District Income Tax With-
when performed by such individual under the age of
holding Tables. Employers should use the same wage
eighteen under an arrangement where newspapers or
base for withholding School District tax as they use for
magazines are to be sold by him at a fixed price, his
withholding Ohio tax and should use the same number
compensation being based on the retention of the ex-
of exemptions.
cess of such price over the amount at which newspa-
Quarterly payments are due if the combined Ohio and
pers or magazines are charged to him;
School District liability was not more than $2000 dur-
(6) Services not in the course of the employer’s trade or
ing the twelve-month period ending on the thirtieth day
business to the extent paid in any medium other than
of June of the preceding calendar year.
Monthly payments are due if the combined Ohio and
School District liability was more than $2000 during the
twelve- month period ending on the thirtieth day of June
of the preceding calendar year.
Every individual who resides in a school district which has
enacted a tax and who performs services subject to either
Partial weekly payments are not required for School
the control and/or will of an employer, whether as to what
District withholding tax.
shall be done and/or how it shall be done, is an employee