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Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments are not
required for School District withholding tax.
Employers discovering a withholding error from a pre-
Each withholding agent is liable for the School District tax
vious period should adjust their next SD-101(s) by
to be withheld. For purposes of assessment and collec-
showing the net withholding tax due within that same
tion, amounts required to be withheld and paid to the Ohio
school district only. Employers may not adjust between
Department of Taxation are considered to be a tax on the
school districts on the SD-101.
employer. The officer or the employee having control or
supervision of or charged with the responsibility of filing
School District Employer’s Annual Reconciliation of
the report and making payment shall be held personally
Tax Withheld
liable for any failure to file the report or pay the tax as re-
All employers required to withhold must file no later
quired by law.
than January 31 of the next calendar year an annual
report, Form SD-141, reconciling School District tax
withheld and paid for the past calendar year. Employ-
ers selling or quitting their business during the year
If an employer fails to pay the School District tax deducted
must file their final return within 15 days after the date
and withheld from employees by the due date, interest shall
of selling or quitting the business.
accrue on the unpaid tax at the rate provided for under
Section 5703.47 of the Ohio Revised Code. Interest on the
Employers should show all withholding amounts on
unpaid tax is due in addition to any penalty for late filing or
the back of the SD-141 and bring the net overpay-
late payment of a tax due.
ment or underpayment to the front of the return.
If an employer fails to pay the tax deducted and withheld
Employers discovering an error after filing their SD-
from employees by the due date, the employer shall incur
141 should file the Amended School District
a penalty of 50% of the tax due, unless failure to pay was
Employer’s Annual Reconciliation, Form SD-141X, to
for reasonable cause and not willful neglect.
adjust for the error.
If an employer does not file Form SD-101 or SD-141 or
Wage and Tax Statement, Form IT-2 (or
files after the due date, the penalty is the greater of $50 per
combined W-2)
month up to a maximum of $500 or 5% per month up to a
On or before January 31 of the succeeding calendar
maximum of 50% of the tax due.
year, employers required to withhold School District
tax must furnish to all employees subject to the tax
two copies of the report of compensation paid during
the calendar year and the amount deducted and with-
Every employer required to withhold School District income
held as School District tax. Employers may use Ohio
tax must maintain a current, accurate record of all persons
Form IT-2 or the federal combined W-2. Employers
subject to the tax.
should clearly identify the school district on the
W-2 by its four-digit number.
Records must include:
(1) Amounts and dates of all compensation paid subject
Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements, Form IT-3
to withholding;
All employers required to withhold must file with the
(2) Names, addresses, school district of residence, and
Ohio Department of Taxation by the last day of Feb-
social security numbers of all employees receiving such
ruary of the succeeding calendar year a copy of Ohio
Form IT-3, the state’s copy of Form IT-2 (or combined
(3) Periods of employment, including periods during which
W-2), and a list (preferably on calculator tape) of the
compensation is paid while absent due to sickness or
Ohio and School District income tax withheld. In lieu
of Form IT-2 or combined W-2 the employer may sub-
(4) Amount of compensation paid by pay period; and
mit the required employee information on magnetic
(5) Copies of annual returns filed with the Ohio Depart-
tape (format furnished upon request).
ment of Taxation.
If an error is discovered on an IT-2 or combined W-2
Employers must maintain records for at least four years.
an employer must furnish two copies of a corrected
IT-2 or combined W-2 marked “CORRECTED BY
EMPLOYER” to the employee and one copy to the
Department of Taxation marked “REISSUED BY EM-