Employer’s Return of Virginia Income Tax Withheld Instructions
General: An employer who pays wages to one or more employees is required
Change of Ownership: If there has been a change of ownership,
to deduct and withhold state income tax from those wages. Virginia law
do not use the return with the name and account number of
substantially conforms to the federal defi nition of “wages.” Therefore, Virginia
the former owner. Send the return with notice of change to the
withholding is generally required on any payment for which federal withholding
Virginia Department of Taxation, P.O. Box 1114, Richmond,
is required, except amounts paid pursuant to individual retirement accounts
Virginia 23218-1114. You can register a new dealer and/or
and simplifi ed employee pension plans as defi ned in Sections 7701(a) (37)
locations, by either completing a Form R-1, Business Registration
and 408(c) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Application, or electronically using iReg on the Department’s
Web-site: The Form R-1 can be obtained
Filing and Payment Procedure: An employer’s fi ling status is determined
from the Department’s web site or by calling the Department’s
by the average amount of income tax withheld each month. When registering
Forms Request Unit at (804) 440-2541.
a business, an employer is asked to estimate this fi gure so the Department
can assign a fi ling status. Based on that information, the Department assigns
Change of Address/Out-of-Business: If you change your
a quarterly, monthly, semi-weekly, or seasonal fi ling status. In addition, all
business mailing address or discontinue your business, either send
employers must fi le an annual summary. Employers are not responsible for
a completed Form R-3, Registration Change Request or a letter to
monitoring their monthly tax liabilities to see if a status change is needed.
the Virginia Department of Taxation, P.O. Box 1114, Richmond,
The Department reviews each account annually and makes any necessary
Virginia 23218-1114. The Form R-3 is included in your coupon
changes. Notices of change in filing status are usually mailed during
booklet. A Form R-3 can also be obtained from the Department’s
December of each year and become effective on January 1.
Web-site: , or by calling the Department’s
Forms Request Unit at (804) 440-2541.
Payments may be made by check or by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
Payments returned by the bank will be subject to a returned payment fee in
Questions: If you have any questions about this return, please
addition to any other penalties that may be incurred.
call (804) 367-8037 or write the Virginia Department of Taxation,
P.O. Box 1115, Richmond, Virginia 23218-1115.
Paying by EFT eliminates your requirement to submit Form VA-5, however
Preparation of Return
payments must be made by the same dates that the Form VA-5 would
have been due. When no payment is due because the tax liability is zero,
Line 1: Enter amount of income tax withholding liability for the
you must report a ZERO liability to the Department. This can be done by
period for which the return is being fi led.
reporting a zero payment on your EFT transaction. For additional information
Line 2: Enter overpayment or underpayment from a prior period
regarding EFT, please refer to the Department’s Electronic Funds Transfer
and attach a detailed explanation to the return. Please
(EFT) Guide. A Guide may be obtained from the Department’s Web-site:
indicate an underpayment as a negative figure with
, or Forms Request Unit at (804) 440-2541.
brackets around the amount.
Quarterly Filing: If an employer’s average monthly withholding tax
Line 3: Subtract overpayment (Line 2) from Line 1 or add
liability is less than $100, the account will be assigned a quarterly fi ling
underpayment (Line 2) to Line 1 and enter the amount.
status. Form VA-5, with full payment for the tax, or your EFT payment
(Line 15 Line 2 = Line 3).
is due on the last day of the month following the close of the quarter.
A return or EFT zero transaction payment must be fi led for each
Line 4: Enter penalty, if applicable. If you fi le the return and/or
quarter even if there is no tax due.
pay the tax after the due date, a penalty is assessed. The
penalty is 6% of the tax due for each month or fraction of
Monthly Filing: If the average monthly withholding tax liability is at least
a month, not to exceed 30%. In no case will the penalty
$100, but less than $1,000, a monthly fi ling status will be assigned. For
be less than $10, even if no tax is due.
months that close a calendar quarter, fi le Form VA-5, with full payment,
or make your EFT payment by the last day of the following month. For
Line 5: Enter interest, if applicable. Interest on any tax due will be
months that do not close a calendar quarter, fi le Form VA-5 or make
added at the daily interest rate established in accordance
your EFT payment by the 20th day of the following month. A return
with Section 58.1-15 of the Code of Virginia from the date
or EFT zero transaction payment must be fi led for each month,
the unpaid tax (or unpaid balance) became due until it
even if there is no tax due.
is paid. The interest rate is 2% over the underpayment
rate established by Section 6621 of the Internal Revenue
Seasonal Filing: Seasonal fi lers, those employers who have employees
only during certain months of the year, are required to fi le returns for
the months designated at the time they register for an account, even
Line 6: Enter the total of Lines 3, 4 and 5.
if there is no tax due. Seasonal returns are fi led on Form VA-5 and
Declaration and Signature: Be sure to sign, date and enter your
are due at the normal monthly fi ling dates.
phone number in the space indicated.
Mail returns and payments to the Virginia Department of Taxation, P.O.
Box 27264, Richmond, Virginia 23261-7264.
Detach at dotted line below. DO NOT SEND ENTIRE PAGE.
Form VA-5
Employer’s Return of Virginia
Income Tax Withheld
1. VA Income Tax
(Doc ID 355)
For assistance, call (804)367-8037.
Due Date
2. Previous Period(s)
(See Instructions)
0000000000000000 3558888 000000
Account Number
3. Adjustment Total
4. Penalty
(See Instructions)
5. Interest
(See Instructions)
I declare that this return (including accompanying schedules and statements) has been examined
by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is true, correct and complete.
6. Total Amount Due
Phone Number
Va. Dept. of Taxation VA-5 AR W REV 5/06