Instructions for Completing the
Certificate of Cancellation (Form LP-4/7)
Where to File: For easier completion, this form is available on the Secretary of State's website at
and can be viewed, filled in and printed from your computer. The
completed form along with the applicable fees can be mailed to Secretary of State, Document Filing Support
Unit, P.O. Box 944225, Sacramento, CA 94244-2250 or delivered in person (drop off) to the Sacramento office,
1500 11th Street, 3rd Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814. If you are not completing this form online, please type or
legibly print in black or blue ink. This form is filed only in the Sacramento office.
It is recommended for proof of submittal that if Form LP-4/7 is mailed to the Secretary of State, it be sent by
Certified Mail with Return Receipt Requested.
Legal Authority: Statutory filing requirements are found in California Corporations Code section
(California limited partnerships) or
(registered foreign limited partnerships). All statutory references
are to the California Corporations Code, unless otherwise stated. Note: Signing Form LP-4/7 constitutes an
affirmation under penalty of perjury that the facts stated in the certificate are true. (Section 15902.08(b).)
Upon the filing of Form LP-4/7: (1) the California limited partnership will be cancelled; or (2) the Certificate of
Registration to transact business in California of the registered foreign limited partnership will be cancelled.
It is recommended that legal counsel be consulted prior to submitting Form LP-4/7 to ensure that all issues
are appropriately addressed.
Fees: There is no fee for filing Form LP-4/7.
However, a $15.00 special handling fee is applicable for
processing documents delivered in person (drop off) to the Sacramento office. The special handling fee will be
retained whether the document is filed or rejected. The preclearance and/or expedited filing of a document
within a guaranteed time frame can be requested for an additional fee in lieu of the special handling fee. Please
refer to the Secretary of State's website at
for detailed
information regarding preclearance and expedited filing services. The special handling fee or preclearance and
expedited filings services are not applicable to documents submitted by mail. Check(s) should be made
payable to the Secretary of State.
Copies: The Secretary of State will certify up to two copies of the filed document without charge, provided that
the complete copies with any required attachments are submitted to the Secretary of State with the document
to be filed. Any additional copies submitted will be certified with payment of $8.00 per copy.
Complete the Certificate of Cancellation (Form LP-4/7) as follows:
Item 1.
Enter the file number issued to the limited partnership by the California Secretary of State.
Item 2.
Enter the name of the limited partnership exactly as it is of record with the California Secretary of
State. If the entity is a registered foreign limited partnership, enter the name of the foreign limited
partnership, or if registered under an alternate name, enter the alternate name of the foreign limited
Item 3.
California limited partnerships ONLY: Enter the date the initial Certificate of Limited Partnership was
filed with the California Secretary of State.
Item 4.
Enter any other information the partners filing Form LP-4/7 determine to include, provided that the
information is not inconsistent with law. Attach additional pages, if necessary.
Item 5.
This statement should not be altered. Note: Before filing Form LP-4/7 on behalf of a California
limited partnership, the California limited partnership must have completed the winding up of its affairs
as discussed in Section 15902.03.