2720 Sunset Blvd., West Columbia SC 29169 • (803) 791-2264 • FAX: (803) 791-2136
Authorization for Release of Protected Health Information
Patient’s full name at the time of treatment:___________________________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth:________ / ________ / _____________
Social Security Number: ____ ____ ____ – ____ ____ – ____ ____ ____ ____
Date(s) of treatment: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Purpose of release: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
I authorize the following provider/entity __________________________________________________________________ to release my health information to:
Recipient/Provider Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Recipient’s Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________________________ State: _______________________________ ZIP: __________________
Mail Record
FAX (to health provider only)
I request a copy of this authorization
Information To Be Released:
(Please check all that apply)
Pathology Reports
Cytology Reports
Physical Therapy Reports
Diagnosis List/Patient Identification
Physician Dictation (type) _________________________________
Emergency Department Records
Pulmonary Function Test
Radiology Film (type) _____________________________________
Laboratory Report (type) __________________________________
Radiology Reports
Mammography Films
Speech Therapy Reports
Occupational Therapy Reports
Other: ________________________________________________
Office Notes (type) ______________________________________
1. I understand that if my records contain documentation of alcohol abuse, psychiatric condition, drug abuse, or communicable diseases, this information will be released
as part of my record.
2. I understand that if the person or entity receiving this information is not covered by federal privacy regulations, this information will no longer be protected and may
be re-disclosed.
3. I understand that I may revoke this authorization at any time, but revocation will not apply to information that has already been released. Revocations should be sent
to the address noted at the top of the form.
4. I understand that I may refuse to sign this authorization and that my refusal to sign will not affect my ability to obtain treatment.
5. I understand that there may be a charge for obtaining the requested information. Information on the charge can be obtained by contacting the medical records
department noted at the top of this form.
6. I understand that a copy or FAX of this document is just as valid as the original document.
7. I understand that this authorization will expire 90 days after signed unless an earlier date is specified here _____________________________________________.
Signature of Patient or Authorized Person
Contact Telephone Number
Reason Patient is Unable to Sign
Original to Medical Records:___________ / ___________ / _____________
Copy to: ___________ / ___________ / _____________
Verification Completed By:_____________________________________________________________________________________________
7181-869-1 (Rev.6/15)