Instructions for Completing the
Restated Certificate of Limited Partnership (Form LP-10)
Where to File: For easier completion, this form is available on the Secretary of State's website at
and can be viewed, filled in and printed from your computer. The completed
form along with the applicable fees can be mailed to Secretary of State, Document Filing Support Unit, P.O. Box
944225, Sacramento, CA 94244-2250 or delivered in person (drop off) to the Sacramento office, 1500 11th Street,
3rd Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814. If you are not completing this form online, please type or legibly print in black or
blue ink. This form is filed only in the Sacramento office.
Legal Authority: Statutory filing requirements are found in California Corporations Code section 15902.02. All
statutory references are to the California Corporations Code, unless otherwise stated. Note: Signing Form LP-10
constitutes an affirmation under penalty of perjury that the facts stated in the certificate are true. (Section
Form LP-10 may be filed by a domestic (California) limited partnership to restate in a single certificate all of the
provisions that are in effect contained in the different certificates that were previously filed with the California
Secretary of State. Form LP-10 may also include an amendment of the Certificate of Limited Partnership not
previously filed with the California Secretary of State.
Upon filing Form LP-10, the filed document will supersede the initial Certificate of Limited Partnership and all
amendments thereto.
Fees: The fee for filing Form LP-10 is $30.00. A $15.00 special handling fee is applicable for processing documents
delivered in person (drop off) to the Sacramento office. The special handling fee is in addition to the filing fee, should
be included in a separate check, and will be retained whether the document is filed or rejected. The
preclearance and/or expedited filing of a document within a guaranteed time frame can be requested for
an additional fee in lieu of the special handling fee. Please refer to the Secretary of State's website at
for detailed information regarding preclearance and expedited filing
services. The special handling fee or preclearance and expedited filings services are not applicable to documents
submitted by mail. Check(s) should be made payable to the Secretary of State.
Copies: The Secretary of State will certify up to two copies of the filed document without charge, provided that the
complete copies with any required attachments are submitted to the Secretary of State with the document to be filed.
Any additional copies submitted will be certified with payment of $8.00 per copy.
Complete the Restated Certificate of Limited Partnership (Form LP-10) as follows:
Item 1.
Enter the file number issued to the limited partnership by the California Secretary of State.
Enter the name of the limited partnership exactly as it is of record with the California Secretary of State.
Item 2.
Item 3.
If applicable, enter the name of the limited partnership, as amended. The name must end with the words
“Limited Partnership,” or the abbreviation “LP” or “L.P.” and may not contain the words “bank,” “insurance,”
“trust,” “trustee,” “incorporated,” “inc.,” “corporation,” or “corp.” (Section 15901.08.)
Item 4.
Enter the designated office address in California. The “designated office” may, but need not, be the place
of the limited partnership’s activity in California. (Sections 15902.01,
and 15901.14.) Please
do not abbreviate the name of the city.
f designating an individual as the agent for service of process, complete Items 5 and 6. If designating a
5 & 6.
corporation as the agent for service of process, complete only Item 5 and proceed to Item 7 (do not
complete Item 6). If a corporation is designated as agent, that corporation must have previously filed with
the California Secretary of State a certificate pursuant to Corporations Code section 1505. The agent
should agree to accept service of process on behalf of the limited partnership prior to designation.
Note: A limited partnership cannot act as its own agent and no domestic or foreign corporation may
file pursuant to Section
unless the corporation is currently authorized to engage in business in
California and is in good standing on the records of the California Secretary of State.