W-12. Also, because of the documentation that must
Specific Instructions
accompany the submission, you must send the additional
form and documentation by mail. See below for additional
It is important to follow these instructions. If your application
is incomplete, the IRS will request that you supply the
U.S. citizen who is a conscientious religious objector.
missing information within a specified time. The IRS will be
If you are a U.S. citizen who does not have an SSN because
unable to process your application if you do not provide the
you have a conscientious religious objection to having an
missing information.
SSN, you must complete an additional form as part of the
PTIN application process. The form you must complete is
Line 1. Enter your legal name. This entry should reflect your
Form 8945, PTIN Supplemental Application For U.S. Citizens
name as it appears on your tax return and as it will be
Without a Social Security Number Due To Conscientious
entered on tax returns that you are paid to prepare. If you are
Religious Objection. On Form 8945, you will verify
renewing your PTIN, enter the PTIN you received after you
information about your identity, citizenship, and
first filed Form W-12.
conscientious religious objection. See Form 8945 for
Voluntarily Inactivate PTIN. An individual who does not
instructions on completing and submitting the form and the
expect to prepare federal tax returns for compensation for a
required documents.
full calendar year may request to be placed in an inactive
Foreign persons. If you are a foreign person who does
not have an SSN, you must complete an additional form as
You can inactivate your PTIN by accessing your online
part of the PTIN application process. A foreign person is an
PTIN account at
and selecting the Inactivate
individual who does not have and is not eligible to obtain an
PTIN function under the Manage My PTIN Account section.
SSN and is neither a citizen of the United States nor a
You can reactivate your PTIN within three years by selecting
resident alien of the United States as defined in section
the Reactivate PTIN function in your online PTIN account.
7701(b)(1)(A). The form you must complete is Form 8946,
PTIN Supplemental Application For Foreign Persons Without
If you do not have an online account, you may call the
a Social Security Number. On Form 8946, you will verify
number listed under the
help, earlier, for
information about your foreign status and identity. See Form
additional assistance.
8946 for instructions on completing and submitting the form
EAs must maintain a current PTIN in order to
and the required documents.
maintain their EA credential and should not inactivate
Line 2 of Form 8946 must contain a non-U.S.
their PTIN unless they retire.
physical address. This address cannot be a P.O.
box. If a P.O. box is listed on line 2a of the Form
Line 2. If you are applying for a new PTIN after October 1,
8946, your application will be rejected and returned to you.
you must indicate whether you want your PTIN to be valid for
the current calendar year or the next calendar year. If you
Renewing without an SSN. You do not need to resubmit
select the current calendar year, your PTIN is valid until
Form 8945 or Form 8946. You are, however, required to
December 31 of the current year. If you select the next
enter your date of birth on line 3 of Form W-12.
calendar year, your PTIN will not be valid until January 1 of
Line 4. Enter your complete personal mailing address and
the next calendar year.
phone number.
Note. If you do not select a calendar year, then your PTIN
If the U.S. Postal Service will not deliver mail to your
application will be processed for the current calendar year.
physical location, enter the U.S. Postal Service post
Prior-Year Renewals. If you checked the “Renewal
office box number for your mailing address. Contact
application” box in line 1 and need to renew for a prior
your local U.S. Post Office for more information. Do not use a
calendar year, you must indicate this by entering the year
post office box owned by a private firm or company. Most
(YYYY format) in the “Prior year” box and listing each prior
PTIN correspondence will be sent to your email address.
calendar year in the space(s) provided. Complete a single
However, any paper PTIN correspondence will be sent to the
Form W-12 for multiple calendar years, for which you are
personal mailing address listed on line 4.
applying for a prior-year PTIN.
If your PTIN has been in an expired status for more than
Line 5a. Enter your business address if it is different from
one full calendar year, you must renew for each previously
the address entered on line 4. Entering the business phone
number is optional.
expired year unless you were inactive during any one of
those calendar years.
Note. The business address listed on line 5a will be
If you were inactive during any one of those prior calendar
reflected in the online Directory of Federal Tax Return
years but did not place your PTIN into voluntary inactive
Preparers with Credentials and Select Qualifications if you
status, you can retroactively do so by following the
meet the qualifications for inclusion. If you have more than
instructions under
Voluntarily Inactivate
PTIN, earlier.
one business location, enter your primary business location
If your PTIN has been inactive or expired for more
than three consecutive years, you must submit a new
Line 5b. If you are self-employed or an owner, partner, or
registration application to obtain an active PTIN.
officer of a tax return preparation business, enter your
applicable identification numbers. Make sure to enter any
Line 3. Enter your social security number (SSN) and date of
letters that are part of your Centralized Authorization File
birth. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age to apply.
(CAF) number. If you have multiple Employer Identification
Applying without an SSN. If you do not have an SSN
Numbers (EINs) or Electronic Filer Identification Numbers
because you are either a U.S. citizen who is a conscientious
(EFINs), enter the number that is used most frequently on
religious objector or a foreign individual, you will need to
complete and submit an additional form along with Form
Instructions for Form W-12 (06-2017)