Instructions on how to apply for a
Certificate of Discharge of Property From Federal Tax Lien
There is no standard form available for an
application for a Certificate of Discharge of
5. List or attach a copy of the liens, mortgages, or
Property from a Federal tax lien. Prepare your
other encumbrances against the property, which
request in the form of a typed letter and submit
you believe have priority over the Federal tax
it with all accompanying documents to:
lien. For each encumbrance show:
a. The name and address of the lien holder
IRS, Attn: Technical Services Group Manager
b. A description of the encumbrance
c. The date of the agreement to the encum-
(Address to the IRS office that filed the lien. Use
Publication 4235, Technical Services Group Addresses ,
to determine where to mail your request).
d. The date and place of the recording (if any)
e. The original principal amount and the interest
Information Required on Application
Give date of the application.
f. The amount due as of the date of the applica-
tion, if known (show costs and accrued
Give the name and address of the person apply-
interest separately)
ing under section 6325(b) of the Internal Revenue
g. Your family relationship, if any, to the taxpayer
Code, for a certificate of discharge. See the “Addi-
and to the holders of any other encum-
tional Information” section of this publication for
brances against the property
applicable Internal Revenue Code sections.
6. Instead of a through f above, you may
Give the name and address of the taxpayer, and
substitute a preliminary title report listing the
describe the property as follows:
required information.
1. Give a detailed description, including the location
7. Itemize all proposed or actual costs, commis-
of the property for which you are requesting the
sions and expenses of any transfer or sale
certificate of discharge. If real property is
associated with the property, or submit an esti-
involved, submit a legible copy of the title or
mated closing statement, also known as a
deed to the property, and the complete address
preliminary Form HUD-1.
(street, city, state and ZIP code). If the certificate
is requested under section 6325(b)(1), also give
8. Furnish information to establish the value of the
a description of all the taxpayer’s remaining
property. If the certificate is requested under
property subject to the lien.
section 6325(b)(1), furnish an estimate of the fair
market value of the property that will remain
2. Show how and when the taxpayer has been or
subject to the lien. In addition,
will be divested of all rights, title and interest in
and to the property for which a certificate of
a. If private sale – Submit written appraisals by
discharge is requested.
two impartial persons qualified to appraise the
property, with a brief statement of each
3. Attach a copy of each notice of Federal tax
appraiser’s qualification.
lien, or furnish the following information as it
b. If public sale (auction) already held – Give
appears on each filed Notice of Federal Tax Lien:
the date and place the sale was held, and the
a. The location of the Internal Revenue Office
amount for which the property was sold.
that filed the lien
c. If public sale (auction) to be held – Give the
b. The name and address of the taxpayer
proposed date and place of the sale, and
against whom the notice was filed
include a statement that the United States will
be paid in the proper priority from the pro-
c. The serial number shown on the lien
ceeds of the sale.
d. The taxpayer social security number or
employer identification number shown on the
e. The date and place the notice was filed
Department of the Treasury
Publication 783 (Rev. 3-2005)
4. Instead of the above, you may substitute a
Internal Revenue Service
Catalog Number 46755I
preliminary title report listing the required infor-