Application for Permission to File a Group Return for
Department Use Only
Nonresident Partners or Nonresident Athletic Team Members
If you are requesting permission (or reinstatement of permission) to file a group return for nonresident partners, complete Part I below. If
you are requesting permission (or reinstatement of permission) to file a group return for nonresident athletic team members, complete Part
II on the back.
Part I - Group Return for Nonresident Partners
Note: You must read TSB-M-96(4)I or Form IT-203-GR-I, Instructions for Form IT-203-GR, Group Return for Nonresident Partners, before
completing this part.
Legal name of partnership
Employer identification number
Trade name if different from legal name above
Name of group agent
Address (as shown on partnership return)
Number of electing nonresident partners (see instructions)
City, village or post office
ZIP code
A. This application is:
B. Enter the first tax year for which the group return will be filed
a new application
an application for reinstatement (enter the special
C. Were any individual estimated tax payments made by the electing
New York identification number previously issued to
partners for the first tax year for which the group return will be filed?
the partnership
Certification: I certify that: (1) I have read and understand the rules relating to the filing of a group return and agree to act as the group
agent; (2) to the best of my knowledge and belief, on the date this application is submitted, the partnership has 35 or more qualified
partners who elect to participate in the group return and who agree to conform to the conditions of participation; and (3) I have legal
authority to act and am submitting powers of attorney, if required, (see Powers of Attorney below) for those partners.
Signature of group agent
Return the completed request and powers of attorney (arranged in either alphabetical or social security number order) to: Registration and
Licensing Services Bureau, NYS Tax Department, Building 8 Room 408, W A Harriman Campus, Albany NY 12227.
Upon receipt of this completed application, the Tax Department will determine whether it is approved and advise you accordingly. If
approved, a special New York identification number will be issued to the partnership. That number must be used for filing the group return
and the group estimated tax payments.
application for reinstatement box. Also enter the special New York
Part I — Group Return for Nonresident Partners
identification number previously issued to the partnership (if known).
Name and Address Box
Powers of Attorney
Enter in the appropriate spaces the legal name, trade name (if any),
address, and federal employer identification number of the partnership. The
Except as provided below, Form PR-99 must be accompanied by an
legal name is the name in which the business owns property or acquires
individual power of attorney for each qualified nonresident partner the
debt. Enter the trade name or d/b/a (doing business as) name if different
group agent knows (at the time of application) will be participating in the
from the legal name.
group return. Each power of attorney must authorize the group agent to
represent the participating partner in the filing of the group return. If the
Also, enter the name of the group agent and the number of partners the
partnership is applying for reinstatement, new powers of attorney must be
group agent knows (on the date Form PR-99 is being filed) have elected to
submitted for all electing partners even though the partnership may have
participate in the group return (also see Powers of Attorney below). Note:
submitted powers of attorney for some or all those partners with the
You must have at least 35 nonresident partners who elect to participate in
previous application.
order to file this form.
Exception: Other evidence that establishes the group agent’s authority to
Item A
act on behalf of the qualified electing nonresident partners with respect to
New Application – If the partnership has not previously requested
the group return, if acceptable to the Department, may be submitted in lieu
permission to file a group return, check the new application box.
of individual powers of attorney. If you wish to submit other evidence, do
Reinstatement – If the partnership previously received approval to file a
not submit powers of attorney with Form PR-99. Instead, attach a
group return but subsequently did not file a group return for one or more
statement to Form PR-99 describing the evidence you wish to submit. We
years, and now wishes to resume filing a group return, check the
will notify you whether or not the evidence is acceptable.
Privacy Notification
The right of the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance and the Department of Taxation and Finance to collect and maintain personal information, including mandatory disclosure of social security numbers in the
manner required by tax regulations, instructions and forms, is found in Articles 22, 26, 26-A, 26-B, 30, 30-A and 30-B of the Tax Law, Article 2-E of the General City Law and 42 USC 405(c)(2)(C)(i).
The Tax Department will use this information primarily to determine and administer tax liabilities due the state and city of New York and the city of Yonkers. We will also use this information for certain tax offset
and exchange of tax information programs authorized by law, and for any other purpose authorized by law.
Information concerning quarterly wages paid to employees and identified by unique random identifying code numbers to preserve the privacy of the employees’ names and social security numbers will be provided
to certain state agencies for research purposes to evaluate the effectiveness of certain employment and training programs.
Failure to provide the required information may result in civil or criminal penalties, or both, under the Tax Law.
This information will be maintained by the Director of the Data Management Services Bureau, NYS Tax Department, Building 8 Room 905, W A Harriman Campus, Albany NY 12227; telephone 1 800 225-5829;
from areas outside the U.S. and Canada, call (518) 485-6800.
PR-99 (2/97)