Form Il-1363 Instructions - Circuit Breaker And Pharmaceutical Assistance - Illinois Department Of Revenue Page 2


If you can provide any other information to explain
If you are disabled, follow the instructions
how you are able to pay high rent on a limited
in Step 6 on Page 9.
income, please explain on a separate sheet of
How does my husband or wife also apply
for Circuit Breaker?
Do I qualify if my husband or wife dies?
If you and your husband or wife live together, you must
If your husband or wife dies and he or she was the
declare your total household income on one Circuit
household member who had been applying for the grant
Breaker claim form. Your husband or wife cannot file
but had not completed a claim for 1999 prior to death,
you must file a 1999 claim form in your own name. You
If one or both of you live in a nursing home, you may
may be considered eligible for the Circuit Breaker grant
each file separate claim forms.
and/or Pharmaceutical Assistance coverage if you
If you and your husband or wife were permanently
turned 63 before the date of your husband’s or wife’s
separated in 1999 and are still living at different
death. You must also meet all other qualifications listed
addresses, you may each file separate claim forms.
on Page 1. Please send us a copy of your husband’s or
wife’s death certificate and proof of your date of birth.
What if I share my home with someone
Examples of proof we will accept can be found on
other than my husband or wife?
Page 5 of this booklet. You must also write on Line 22
the amount in income your husband or wife received
Only a husband and wife are considered to be in the
during the months he or she was living with you.
same household, and they must combine their income
If your husband or wife dies in 2000 after he or she has
on one claim form. If someone other than your husband
filed a properly completed 1999 claim, you may request
or wife lives with you and is qualified, that person is
that we send the Circuit Breaker check to you. You must
eligible to apply for his or her own Circuit Breaker grant.
have been living with your husband or wife at the time he
You must declare as income any rent he or she paid to
or she filed the claim. Please send us a copy of the
death certificate. If there is no surviving husband or wife,
What if my income is not much more than
we will reissue the check to any surviving dependent
children under age 18 who were living with the claimant
the property tax or rent I paid?
at the time he or she filed the claim. Otherwise, the
Some claimants may have a very low income and high
check must be returned to us.
property taxes or rent. If this situation applies to you and
How do I get a vehicle license
you own your home, please send us a copy of your
property tax bill, receipts from your county government,
discount card?
or cancelled checks documenting the property tax you
In order to be eligible for a discount on your vehicle
paid in 1999. If you are a renter, send us a copy of your
license for a given year, you must have met the Circuit
rental agreement, a notarized statement from your
Breaker qualifications for the previous year (see
landlord, or cancelled checks documenting the rent you
Page 1). We process Circuit Breaker claim forms and
paid in 1999. In addition, please send us the following
forward approval information to the secretary of state’s
information to explain how you were able to pay your
office. For further information,
Indicate whether family or friends paid your rent or
whether your rent was subsidized. List only the
amount you paid.
Do not list rent owed but not paid in 1999.
If you shared your home with someone other than
or call: 1 800 252-2904
your husband or wife, list only your portion of
property tax or rent.
217 785-9364
If someone lived with you and paid you rent in
1999, list the amount you received in rental income
on Line 20 and complete Step 4.
If your rent included food, mark “yes” on Line 27.
If you can provide information about minor
dependent children receiving Social Security, SSI,
or child support, please explain on a separate
sheet of paper. These types of benefits are not
considered income, but you must report them to
explain how you are able to meet your expenses.
Reporting these benefits will help prevent delays in
your Circuit Breaker grant or Pharmaceutical
Assistance coverage.
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IL-1363 instructions (R-12/99)


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