Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
Instructions for RCT-123
Gross Premiums Tax - Surplus Lines Agents
RCT-123 I (04-16)
electronically through e-TIDES at
with eligible surplus lines insurers and
other non-admitted insurers through
ever, electronic filing of the tax
duly licensed surplus lines producers.
report is not available. The report
The tax is in addition to the premium
All payments of $1,000 or more
should be completed using the
charged by the insurer. The tax is levied
must be made electronically or by
on the insured that procured the
certified or cashier’s check remitted
printed and submitted by mail to
insurance with eligible surplus lines
in person or by express mail
the department. The form can be
insurers or other non-admitted insurers
and is collected and remitted by the
Use only whole dollars when
surplus lines producer. The tax on any
preparing tax reports.
unearned portion of the premium must
One RCT-123 must be filed for each
be returned to the insured by the
Taxpayers may request a 60-day
agency and report for all branch
agency or agent. Political subdivisions
extension to file this report by filing
offices and/or all individual agents
are exempt from this tax.
filing under the same FEIN.
Location of Risk
NOTE: The automatic PA
The tax liability on RCT-123 cannot
If the policy involves risk located in
extension provided by Act 52
be less than zero; instead the tax-
multiple states including Pennsylvania,
of 2013 to those with valid federal
payer must file a petition for refund.
then the taxable premiums shall be
extensions DOES NOT apply to this
Annual Report Checklist: Make sure
levied as follows:
you include the following to file your
If Pennsylvania is the home state of the
The penalty imposed for failure to
annual report properly and completely:
insured, the gross premiums shall be
file timely reports is now a minimum
Negative amounts must be written
taxable to Pennsylvania. For more
of $500, regardless of the deter-
using a minus sign preceding the
information, see 40 P.S. § 991.1602, 40
mined tax liability, plus an additional
number. Do not use parentheses.
P.S. § 991.1621 and 40 P.S. §
1 percent of any determined tax
liability over $25,000.
Complete RCT-123, Gross Premi-
ums Tax Report for Surplus Lines
Revenue ID, Federal Employer
Use ONLY the most current, non-
Identification Number (FEIN),
Parent Corporation FEIN, Name
instructions for filing ALL tax years.
Attach copies of the monthly 1620
and Address
If an amended report must be
reports as filed with the Pennsylva-
The Revenue ID number, FEIN, name
filed, taxpayers must use the
nia Surplus Lines Association on
and complete mailing address must be
most current, non-year-specific
behalf of the Pennsylvania Insur-
provided. If the taxpayer is a subsidiary
ance Department.
of a corporation, the parent corporation’s
sections of the form. REV-1175,
Corporate officer’s signature on
FEIN must be provided. Also provide the
Schedule AR (explanation for
Page 1 and preparer’s signature
telephone number and email address of
amending), must be included
and PTIN on Page 2, if applicable
the taxpayer.
when filing an amended report.
A signed copy of all three pages of
Tax Year
RCT-123 is available as a fill-in form
the RCT-123 tax report and the
Enter month, day and year (MMDD
on the department’s website at
monthly 1620 reports must be filed
YYYY) for the tax year beginning and
electronically with the Pennsylvania
year (YY) for the tax year end.
One extension coupon, REV-426,
Surplus Lines Association in the
will be used for all specialty taxes.
Report Due Date
Electronic Filing System (EFS).
This report is due on Jan. 31 for the
The coupon and the tax report will
no longer be mailed. These forms
Imposition, Base and Rate
preceding year ended Dec. 31. If Jan.
are available as fill-in documents
The gross premiums tax is imposed
31 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or
under the Act of May 17, 1921, P.L. 682,
holiday, the report is due the next
The REV-
No. 284 at the rate of 3 percent on
business day. The penalty imposed for
426 extension coupon can be filed
gross premiums of insurance procured
failure to file timely reports is now a